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Search results

  1. shadow_lugia


    For some reason I had a dream about a pair of birds that were conjoined twins connected at the head (which I don't think is even possible in real life). Not much else happened but I think it was also a musical.
  2. shadow_lugia


    I had a weird dream a few nights ago that was apparently entirely in Spanish... I guess I went to Mexico and was talking to some kid there? I think he just spouted gibberish but from what I can remember my speech was scarily accurate, even being slow and stumbly like in real life (for me). The...
  3. shadow_lugia


    I just remembered that I had a dream the other night that was sort of weird. For background information, I've been doing a lot of shiny hunting recently with the PokeRadar. The dream itself was pretty bland, since in it I was just playing my DS and chaining, and like always in real life, there...
  4. shadow_lugia


    So, I had a dream that I was in this sort of weird adventure world with two friends (who I can't remember, but I'm certain I've never met) and our sort-of-guide was Barack Obama (that was his name, but I don't think he looked anything like Barack Obama). So we got to the end and there was...
  5. shadow_lugia


    I have no idea what kind of dream I was having, but it was apparently a very odd one.
  6. shadow_lugia


    I had a dream that Brock and Lorelei were on a train for some reason and began talking. They were also eating dinner together, but it wasn't like a date (even though it was Brock). So I woke up and thought, "They should really make a Rock/Ice Pokemon."
  7. shadow_lugia


    I had a weird dream some time ago that I was some kind of monkey hopping along a bridge and playing a tamborine, but then I fell down. I had to follow the ants to find the birds' hole in the ground, and as I began to bargain something for the return of bird hostages (who were actually members of...
  8. shadow_lugia


    Okay so last night I had the best dream ever. So, it started out as us getting some assignment in some class or another. We had to listen to all the songs on some album that I'm sure doesn't actually exist. Anyway, the songs were apparently weird enough to drive people batshit insane and cause...
  9. shadow_lugia


    A couple of nights ago I had a really weird dream. I don't quite remember, but it was about two teenaged lesbians, one of which lived in some kind of secret room underneath the other's bedroom and was her "slave" (though they actually acted like lesbian BFFs). I don't know what this says about me.
  10. shadow_lugia


    Oh God I hate these dreams. Anyway, I once had a dream waaay back in early elementary school, like first or second grade. There was some kind of costume party for Halloween there, and I went there, even though I don't recall actually wearing a costume. Regardless, I walked in and noticed that...
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