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  1. shadow_lugia

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    (>:( Jeez aren't you listening you can't see me I ran over the horizon out of view can't you reeeeeeeeead I'm just sitting in some kind of drought-afflicted landscape with a few weeds growing out of the cracks)
  2. shadow_lugia

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  3. shadow_lugia

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    Felsen started to slow down and eventually stopped running altogether. Nothing had happened. No one had chased her. No humans had seen her and scooped her up in their arms. Absolutely nothing. She sat down in the rain and suddenly felt miserable. What could she do? She couldn't go back to her...
  4. shadow_lugia

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    (I'm not with you. I ran waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out there :DD)
  5. shadow_lugia

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    Felsen also ran out the door. "I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!~" she sang in joy.
  6. shadow_lugia

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    Felsen reached the end of the hall, and jumped up, reaching for the handle. This was one of those bars that you just had to push in, so she managed to jump just high enough to push it with a head-spike, making the door open. Unfortunately, this was an emergency exit, to be used in emergencies...
  7. shadow_lugia

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    Felsen trotted up to the door and began to jump for the handle. She couldn't reach it. She improvised, and slid a box over to the door, clambering on top of it and turning the handle. To her luck, on the other side was a long, narrow hallway. At the end, an emergency exit. She started charging...
  8. shadow_lugia

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    (I still don't remember introducing myself) Felsen, however, continued banging her head against the wall, until it crumbled, making a passageway into another, smaller room, where the door was easily spotted.
  9. shadow_lugia

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    Felsen finally knocked on one place, her face set and determined. She got a facial expression like she had an idea a few seconds later, and started headbutting the wall again.
  10. shadow_lugia

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    Felsen put on a pouting face, then started knocking on the walls, her ear pressed to them.
  11. shadow_lugia

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    Felsen followed, and watched the Ralts stumble around in the dark. "This is stupid," she said. BANG. She charged headfirst into a wall repeatedly to smash it to bits.
  12. shadow_lugia

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    Felsen inhaled and made a squawking noise as her eyes came open. "Toenail clippings!" she screamed.
  13. shadow_lugia

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    But, unfourtunately, Felsen was now having a dream in which she was Eeyore, and was not about to wake up anytime soon. Unless someone poked her in the eye or something else extremely painful, that was.
  14. shadow_lugia

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    (^'Cept me :P)
  15. shadow_lugia

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    However, for Felsen, not even a nuclear explosion would be enough to wake her up, much less a flick, especially with her new rocky hide.
  16. shadow_lugia

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    Felsen was already curled up on the floor asleep, dreaming that she was asleep. (This has happened to me on several occasions :P)
  17. shadow_lugia

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    Felsen gazed around at all the others around her, and thought, What the hell. It'll be fun anyway, then got up and started running around and headbutting various things.
  18. shadow_lugia

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    Felsen looked at everyone beating up the Rocket man. "It's not worth wasting your energy!" she shouted to them.
  19. shadow_lugia

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    Felsen glared at the now-hidden Porygon, or atleast where she thought it was. She sighed and continued to lay there. "It's not worth it."
  20. shadow_lugia

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    (o.O WTF How do you know my name?) Felsen looked down, and did indeed find the body of a Cranidos. "Oh, I see," she said calmly, going to an unoccupied space and lying on her back.
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