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Search results

  1. shadow_lugia

    Idea Center

    Why hasn't this become a sticky So guys, I have started my first RP over at GTS+ Forums. I... I just wanted to see how you guys would feel about it :< Aaagh I feel so lame just for copypasting that now.
  2. shadow_lugia

    Idea Center

    Misdreavus. Easiest. Riddle. Ever.
  3. shadow_lugia

    Idea Center

    Everyone is ignoring the fact that Pineco is the villain D:< Maybe actually a group of non-legendary Pokemon. 'Female ghost' is automatically registered in my brain as 'Froslass,' so that could work. I personally also enjoy the idea of an evil Ditto. ...And for some random reason, I WANT THE...
  4. shadow_lugia

    Idea Center

    You mean like Morphic? That... might be okay. I'm awful at designing Pokemorphs, but whatever.
  5. shadow_lugia

    Idea Center

    Yeah, and so would all those other evil-looking Pokemon. And using something that's totally cute and you'd never guess it was the bad guy (unless you read too many sprite comics) would be somewhat cliche too... I know! Let's use one of those Pokemon that never ever comes to anyone's mind...
  6. shadow_lugia

    Idea Center

    I could be in too, maybe :P I suck at making the plots up by myself, but I can do magic with other people's ideas~
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