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Search results

  1. S

    What are you reading?

    Bought House of Leaves today, will see what all the fuss is about when I have time.
  2. S

    What are you reading?

    Bret Easton Ellis - American Psycho. Before this I finished Animal Farm. War of the Worlds was put off because I wasn't getting into it at the moment.
  3. S

    What are you reading?

    H. G. Wells - The War of the Worlds :D
  4. S

    What are you reading?

    Childhood's End is the only book I've read on that list. I thought it was pretty cool, but not the best thing I've ever read. I finished reading my summer assignment and Hitchhiker's Guide and am now reading Neuromancer by William Gibson. Then I have Foundation, and then I'm out of nerd books...
  5. S

    What are you reading?

    Welp, I have Foundation by Asimov and Hitchhiker's Guide lying around partially-read, and today I bought In Pursuit of Elegance by Matthew E. May and Neuromancer by William Gibson. The latter of which I'm really excited about finding, but I should probably finish the other books before I get to...
  6. S

    What are you reading?

    2001: A Space Odyssey I also picked up I, Robot for later. I've been in a rather Sci-Fi mood lately and decided I needed to read some of the classics. :v
  7. S

    What are you reading?

    John Connolly - The Book of Lost Things 'Tis one of my summer reading books! :V
  8. S

    What are you reading?

    Ralph Waldo Emerson - Nature Emerson is a pretty cool guy. Been meaning to read this for a while. :V I also just finished reading The Kite Runner for school.
  9. S

    What are you reading?

    We're starting to read The Catcher in the Rye for English class and I'm reading Alice in Wonderland just for fun. I was reading Flowers for Algernon too, but my friend took it back for a while.
  10. S

    What are you reading?

    Robert Cormier - After The First Death It's for a school assignment, and it's really awesome so far. :D
  11. S

    What are you reading?

    John Steinbeck - East of Eden. Summer homework. Jesus Christ it's long. D:
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