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Search results

  1. ultraviolet

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Deuce snorted, clearing his nostrils of the foul gas that clouded his vision and his nose. A Rocket leered out from the dark - whinnying loudly, Deuce's hooves clattered as he tried to gain control of his legs. His back legs slid across the smooth surface of the floor - one of them ending up in...
  2. ultraviolet

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Stifling a grin, Deuce walked over to where Akra was being squeezed. He slowly tried to pry the Rocket's arms apart with his nose, with little effect. "I'm sorry," he whispered to her, mentally cursing his lack of hands. "I don't know what I can do. I wish this was easier, I'm having so much...
  3. ultraviolet

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    "Stop shouting!" He hissed, nodding towards the sleeping Rockets. "Do you want to wake them? Shelve your pride for a second and help me get everyone awake. Then we can make a run for it!" Deuce walked as carefully as he could and started nudging the other pokemon. This is really crazy. I can't...
  4. ultraviolet

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Something brushed Deuce's faced, irritating him slightly. He snorted, opening his eyes slowly and blinking a few times. Luckily, he had been of the few that had been able to awake from the sleep relatively easily. Getting to his feet unsteadily, he nudged the others that had fallen around him -...
  5. ultraviolet

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    (( short failpost. D:)) This whole time, Deuce had been struggling to regain his balance on his four, clumsy legs. He had just gotten used to walking and was going to kick a grunt in the gut when the sweet melody reached his ears. "But I was just..." He yawned loudly with a whinny...
  6. ultraviolet

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    (That's a good idea. I mean, the starter of this RP isn't even on track with it all. o.o)
  7. ultraviolet

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    (It's irritating having all this action come about when I'm not around, I can only come on the internet in the afternoon and at night due to school; apparently Deuce has been staring into space and drooling while this has all been going on. I'm not asking for people to wait for me specifically...
  8. ultraviolet

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    ((Can we please have some sort of rule so people in other timezones don't get left four pages behind? I don't even know where I am now.))
  9. ultraviolet

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Deuce's ears flattened without him thinking. He made a mental note of it and would think about it later. "Oh, and I suppose you've named yourself leader of the humans-turned-pokemon? Right. I'd salute if I could, but I seem to be hampered here." He bowed his head with a smirk. "My apologies."...
  10. ultraviolet

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    (( *munches cookie* your friendship will not be forgotten...)) Deuce opened his mouth in shock, before closing it and glaring back at the other Ponyta. "Wh-what did you expect me to do?" He wanted to stand up. How should I do this. He placed one hand... hoof, dammit ... flat on the floor. Then...
  11. ultraviolet

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    (( wow, don't wait or anything guys. o.o; )) Deuce jerked awake at the sound of voices. Shuffling uncomfortably, his eyes travelled his surroundings sleepily. He was aware of a warmth that lulled at his skull and his... butt. He glanced around to see what it was and saw.. fire? "W-what's...
  12. ultraviolet

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    [Is it okay if I'm a Ponyta too? Your rules don't specify anything about double-ups.] Name: Deuce Scully Gender: Male Age: 16 Pokemon: Ponyta Appearance: Slightly muscular build, like a clydesdale foal. Bright eyes, usual-coloured flames. Wearing a blue scarf around his neck. Personality...
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