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Search results

  1. W

    It is better for ten guilty men to go free than for one innocent man to be wrongly convicted

    Again. I only ever said that it was cool to be gay in the west. And I thought it'd be pretty well established by now how bloody backwards the middle east and africa is. Which is why there are still UN troops in Afghanistan. So if you're gay and you want to marry, you move to a state in which...
  2. W

    It is better for ten guilty men to go free than for one innocent man to be wrongly convicted

    Gay marriage is legal in at least 4 European countries that I know of. Civil union, which is exactly like marriage except for the whole church bollocks is legal in a whole load of other countries. And I'm pretty sure it's legal in at least a few states. So then you're saying we don't have...
  3. W

    It is better for ten guilty men to go free than for one innocent man to be wrongly convicted

    Actually, yeah, that's a much better solution. Pity you don't have that option, but it's a much better thing to argue for than keeping death penalty for everyone. Well, thinking about it for a second, prisons are probably safe enough nowadays that it's virtually impossible to escape from the...
  4. W

    It is better for ten guilty men to go free than for one innocent man to be wrongly convicted

    Yeah, I think this pretty much sums it up. But anyway, I've always been of the opinion that the main reason for the high murder rate in the US is the rather... liberal gun ownership laws. But that is a different matter entirely. Just because I live in a country doesn't mean I have to agree...
  5. W

    It is better for ten guilty men to go free than for one innocent man to be wrongly convicted

    And letting a guilty person go free also has effects beyond the immediate. You can't just let a dangerous criminal go free, hold your thumbs and hope he doesn't reoffend, to save someone who might be innocent. Sure you can. In an extreme case, like the one I mentioned made up, it would be...
  6. W

    It is better for ten guilty men to go free than for one innocent man to be wrongly convicted

    Good point. It always depends on the specific case, though. In a situation like this, who's to say he can't continue his work in prison? Or have someone else take it up. In a situation like this, it makes very little difference if he's innocent or guilty, however. A solution in which he is able...
  7. W

    It is better for ten guilty men to go free than for one innocent man to be wrongly convicted

    Voted DISAGREE and SUPPORT. Think of the big picture. Those ten people go free. One of them goes off to mug a random passerby to feed his drug habit. Another one rapes and murders a thirteen year old. Three of the others work together to rob a bank, killing five people in the process, before...
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