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Novelux Blackglass Caldera Mystery Dungeon

[Ch08] The Tear in the Canvas New

Jackie Cat

A cat who writes stories.
Heartache staff
they or she
Mystery Dungeons are strange things. Folks who live near one will often swear up and down that the rift has a 'personality'. Some dungeons play tricks on interlopers, turning them around in a loop that lands them back at the mouth. Others offer berries and healing seeds to weary travellers. Others display remnants of their past, sights and sounds out of history... replaying a tragedy over and over and over, thousands or even millions of times, an endless moving picture show of their origin to any who venture deep enough to witness it.

Blackglass Caldera is one such place.

Further up the coast of Lake Cobalt, the sand turns black and shiny – volcanic glass, worn smooth over generations. It doesn't take more than a few decades for obsidian to wear down this way, but a little further inland, one can find the source of new black-glass sand: an ancient caldera, riven long ago into a mystery dungeon. It's pretty tame, as spacetime rifts go, and something of a tourist attraction. One can make a bit of money escorting visitors with no battle experience to the deeper layers! Apparently, some 'mon see things if they go far enough in. The fiery blood of the earth welling from wounds in the crust, smoke filling the sky... Visions of millennia past?

For all this and more – and a souvenir of sharp-edged volcanic glass to take home with you – there are guides stationed in little huts not far from the mouth of the rift. They'll take you a level or two deep for a pawful of silver dollars. More, if you pay good money. But not to the depths, not to the heart.

For that, the Wayfarers would need to depend on themselves. And to the heart they would likely need to to go, given the weight of Powehi's instructions...

"The base laws of reality are distorted by the influence of foreign souls, as a taut canvas is distorted by the placement of a stone on its surface. The greater the weight – whether by number or by size – so then the greater the distortion... until the fabric inevitably tears apart."

"Or, if one hurls a pointed stone of sufficient mass, it may puncture straight through all on its own."

"If you or your companions wish to see the truth of Victory for yourself – and learn how pointed stones can tear a canvas – then visit the rift called Blackglass Caldera, and descend within."

The upper levels of Blackglass Caldera appear as the lip of a long-dead volcano's mouth, criss-crossed with boardwalk paths and hewn stairs, and littered with black sand and obsidian outcroppings. In the centre of the crater lies a pale turquoise lakelet, often frozen over in the month of Frost.

Deeper in, the walkways disappear. The sky darkens. And the lake first thaws, then steams...
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Nova scooped up black sand in his claws, then let it trickle back onto the ground. And again. And again.

Yeah, it sure seemed like something had erupted here.

"So, uh... is this the spot where a human used too much power?" He scooped up more sand and watched it trickle out of his claws.
“Yeah, this is definitely the spot. Or it will be, once we get past the tourists.”

Gladion had tried to do research on the contents of the Blackglass Caldera beforehand, but he’d failed to find clear documentation on what lay at the heart of it. Sure, one way or another he was gonna come here to check, but a lot of people came in here.

The heart of the dungeon must be pretty adversarial if it rebuffed them all. Most? That’d be pretty easy, most didn’t really seem to want to try. But shaving those last few percentages off the success rate, staving off the more serious dungeon divers, and every guide program? That was something special. Getting through it would be a real challenge… In other words, it sounded like a good time.
The truth of Victory. According to Powehi, that was what they could find here. And that was what Koa needed to know. Ever since he'd first heard about the Caldera, and then heard fragments of the tales from the past, of an ancient hero and a sun; he'd wanted to know more. Stories of legends and those powers and what they could wield called to him, even here.

He'd mentioned the stories to Steven before, briefly, who had seemed quite interested. The details were ambiguous, but he did know the gist from research and rumor. Some many centuries back, there had been two heroes, perhaps one a human. And they'd saved Forlas, but some great catastrophe still came. And one became a sun.

What of that was truth, what was figurative, what was legend?

It was a happy coincidence that two of the other Wayfarers (the odd hybrids he didn't recognize as any species) apparently had plans to investigate. Descending with four was better than two, he guessed.

As a bonus, the caldera looked sick. Exploring what was essentially a giant dormant volcanic crater was something he'd probably never be able to do back home. He kept pausing to grab bits of volcanic glass in cool shapes and slip them into his pockets; then rushing to catch up.

He glanced at Steven. "So is this like Hoenn kind of, back home? I've only read about, but there's a volcano there too right?" Stopping agin, he picked up a piece of glass that looked a bit like a tiny sword and tucked it away.
Steven drifted alongside Koa as they wove their way down into the Caldera. At Koa's question he paused and tapped a claw to his chin, regarding the crater landscape as a whole. "Hmm, close but not quite. You're right we do have a volcano in Hoenn-- Mt. Chimney-- but very little obsidian deposits. The lava there is much lower in silica and higher in alkalines, probably due to the age of mantle it draws from. Unlike this volcano."

He eyed the black sand sifting through Nova's talons. "According to local records, it's been here since, well, the start of said records-- so at least several thousand years-- but that's fairly young in terms of geologic ages-- ah."

Right, Koa probably wasn't here for a geology lesson. And neither was he. (Okay that might not be entirely true) But when he'd heard about the supposed powers of this dungeon, the Caldera's ability to show the history of this world, he knew he had to investigate for himself. You could read all the records in the world and still not get the full story, or even an accurate one. What better source than straight from the earth herself?

Turns out there was more than one curious Wayfarer here, too. Finally snapping his gaze from Nova's mesmerizing sandfall, he turned to the other Silvally in their party. "Gladion, I recall you mentioning someone you met at the Shining Congress might have been here recently? Any idea what they were looking for? I didn't take most of them to be history buffs." At least not the ones making the decisions from the head of the roundtable...
"Gladion, I recall you mentioning someone you met at the Shining Congress might have been here recently? Any idea what they were looking for? I didn't take most of them to be history buffs."
Gladion half-listed to Steven’s apparently pretty deep knowledge about stones, but only started fully paying attention when he was directly addressed.

They seemed to be out of earshot if anyone he didn’t want to hear him talk, but he kept his voice low just in case. “Yeah, that would be Matthias. Coven’s looking for a source of environmental radiance they can use for their litany of ethics violations, might’ve been what he was here for. Something about atmospheric effects of lingering radiance? Didn’t put that part together, he said that this wasn’t what his superiors were looking for… but it somehow set him on the right path.”

He shrugged a talon. “Go figure.”
There weren't so many visitors in the month of Frost, and the Wayfarers had little difficulty making it several levels deep before encountering any trouble. The truth at the rift's heart lay ahead...

Already, the geography of the crater seemed faintly uncertain. At times, the rim seemed to be mere steps away, and the lake visible from where they stood. And yet, they'd already descended far enough that the walkways and railings installed by enterprising guides were now scarce. Temporal distortion, too, confused the mind – they'd set out in the morning, but there were stars overhead...

A faint feeling of gentle pressure, and a hiss of white static, and Betelgeuse chimed in.

Hello, heroic spirits. I am with you – as always.

Greninja Matthias' mention of a search for Radiance hints at a fixation of the modern Covenant: to obtain a source that is of practical use. Implicitly, Matthias discovered something of note related to Radiance deep in Blackglass Caldera...

It is possible that the heart of this rift is Radiant, albeit evidently not in such a way as to meet the Covenant's needs. Even so, there may be ambient Radiance further in. Please let me know if you find yourselves in any way cognitively or emotionally compromised.

If it was Radiant, then that suggested Radiance may have created it in some way... and that the core might irradiate the party's auras with that intoxicating exotic energy.

Descending ad hoc via rocky platforms, sloping trails, and the occasional rope or ladder, the Wayfarers soon encountered a different obstacle – territorial wildren. Mineraloids, by the look of them – naclstack and boldore, in particular. A flight of glimmet took to the air as the party approached, like startled birds. Further off, a lone beldum clicked and whirred as its eye lens focused on them from a distance. Most worryingly, the pyramidal bulk of a dozing garganacl blocked the easiest route through to the deeper levels.

There was room to take one of several approaches, here. Would the Wayfarers fight their way through, use stealth or ingenuity to get past, or use some other means? It was unlikely waiting around would solve the problem any time soon....
At some point during the descent, Nova had swapped in the Ground Memory to let him get better footing. He dug his claws and paws into the dirt and used his ground element to anchor himself and descend the slopes easily.

Then they encountered a bunch of ferals. Stealthy was... not how Nova would describe this group. Not with two silvally. And the glimmet were already flying away.

He looked up at the sky, then at the ground and its glassy, reflective surface. There was only one psychic among them and, if Nova wasn't mistaken, Steven was a human.

"I don't suppose any of you are skilled enough with psychic powers to try and refract the light and pester them away?" He prodded at the ground with a talon. "Or maybe if I dig enough I'll find some minerals they like down here?"
Steven listened first to Gladion's reply, and then Betel's, mild concern growing in his expression. The phrase 'lingering Radiance' made his curiosity prickle. "Compromised?" he murmured, gaze sliding towards Koa. He remembered the young trainer's reaction to their Radiance-fueled tilt in the Stormbringer's dungeon. The Electrike seemed fine, though, and well, they hadn't encountered any sort of resistance yet--

"Ah." Spoke too soon. Local rock types. While Steven's first instinct was to dart closer and fawn over examine the Boldore and Naclstack up close, he realized they probably wouldn't take kindly to that sort of intrusion. They needed a plan, and one that hopefully didn't devolve into a senseless fight.

Steven's gaze flicked over the environment before sliding towards Nova with a shake of his head. "I'd need to break off a piece of obsidian to refract anything, and I'm not keen on destroying their territory. I'd rather ask if we can pass than imply we're trying to drive them off."

"But maybe..."

He flicked open several pouches on his bracer, rummaging through their contents while trying to remember as much as he could about the Paldean and Unovan species.

"Sandstone? Hm, maybe. Granite? Slate? Or maybe something elemental?" He muttered to himself before producing five or six samples of different kinds of rocks from within.

Using his telekinesis, he held them out in front of him in a colorful display, and slowly inched closer to the territorial 'mon. "Sorry to disturb your home, but we're not here to fight. Simply passing through."

As he spoke he tipped forward and held the array of samples out. An offering for peaceful passage. At least he hoped they'd see it that way.
Steven's brief ramble on the geology of volcanoes and their composition proved a fascinating lesson, and he listened eagerly. The technical parts were something he'd never quite absorbed or found a desire to study but he loved hearing about them anyway. If he'd had more time he would have asked Steven to keep talking.

Betel's voice turned his thoughts toward another direction. Koa had never personally met Matthias but from everything he had heard, he felt fairly sure he would not like the Greninja at all. He sounded at least as bad as Ralsen.

He watched, deferring to Steven as the Metang made an offering to the wild pokemon. Hopefully they wouldn't have to brawl a bunch of wild mon just minding their business. Battle was one thing but these ones weren't really challenging them, after all.

"Just passing through," Koa echoed quietly, moving back a couple steps in an effort to show they weren't trying to pick a fight.
Good thinking, Steven! The silicoids here have little variation in their diet and may be interested in your offerings.

Betel's optimism proved accurate – a particularly large boldore on the cusp of evolution lumbered towards Steven's samples, and after a focused examination, selected the granite piece. The creature uttered a rumbling, crunching sound of approval, and several of the other larger wildren formed an orderly queue to select their preferred bribe. It looked as though safe passage would cost Steven all his rocks, tragically.

Still, safe passage it was. The garganacl, observing this little ceremony from a distance, reconstituted itself to its full height, and lumbered slowly down the path it had previously blocked off. Was it... showing the Wayfarers the way?

Oh dear! I am sorry about your collection, Steven. I am sure those naclstack are delighted to vary their diet, if it is any consolation.
Ah, yes. Sharing your food with others was also a way through. Neat. That was probably what that was, right? Why would a human go carrying around a bunch of rocks other than they were turned into a pokémon that needed the minerals?

Nova quietly jerked his head in Garganacl's direction and slowly plodded off after it.
Steven hung back, watching the majority of his collection disappear to the hungry pokemon with a strange war of emotions tumbling across his expression.

"Well, on the bright side--" it sounded like it was taking Steven considerable effort to see said bright side, "I guess I have more room for new samples now. And my pockets are considerably lighter, too."

His eyes winked into a smile, and he flexed his arm to emphasize the point. "Easier on the body!" The chipperness in his voice was clearly forced, though. At no point had the previous weight of his bracer seemed to be a bother.

The extra exuberance faded from Steven's smile. "I'm glad the local pokemon are happy." This, at least, was spoken with genuine sincerity.
Steven gave a rather undignified squeal of surprise. "What?! No! I would never!"

He clutched his bracer closer to himself before he realized.

Look where you are, Stone. You have a weird hobby. It's even weirder now.

Relenting, he shook his head. "Not those ones anyway..."
"Really? Steel-types can benefit from the minerals." Nova started forward again. "So can rock and ground-types. I used to eat rocks sometimes." A beat. "I guess... some humans collect them like trinkets and baubles?"
"That's one word for them, I suppose..." By now Steven had fallen in line with the others tailing their new Garganacl friend.

"I like to think of them more like memories," he said to Nova. "Reminders of places I've been, things I've done, people I've met." Just to be sure, Steven peeked inside one of his bracer pouches. Thankfully, the amethyst was still there.

"It's a shame the human mind is so imperfect. If I could remember everything like Metagross, maybe I wouldn't need to collect so many."

He paused, then laughed at the absurdity of such a statement. Like the very idea of giving up stone collecting was the funniest joke in the world. "I guess I can't help it, old habits and all that."
Nova's crest drooped slightly. "Speaking from experience... a 'perfect' memory can be as much of a curse as it is a blessing."
The party's Rock-type guide lumbered on, leading the way. As the sky overhead cycled once again into bright daytime, it became clear that the creature's surface was not pale and sandy like its sapient cousins in Frontier Town, but a volcanic black – struck through with bright facets where it caught the light.

"I'm glad the local pokemon are happy."
So am I, Steven. It is likely the best enrichment they have enjoyed for some time!

The topic of 'perfect memory' prompted a faint droning that seemed to be Betel's approximation of a thoughtful hum.

It is possible that your memory will improve upon evolution, Steven! However, it seems that there are differences in natural function between the bodies of heroic spirits like yourselves, and those of ordinary Forlasan pokémon. I wonder why that is...!

Betel was chattier than usual. Either they were feeling better from their ongoing existential crisis, or they had a particular interest in this mission. Either way, they were doing their best to spark up conversation.

Garganacl, having led the party a little further in, now stepped aside and gestured politely to pass it. The stone giant had no interest in proceeding further, even if it understood the party's intentions. It rumbled and cracked like knapped flint at them, its wild tongue apparently untranslatable.

Past the garganacl, the Caldera was once again renewed. This time, all trace of tourism-friendly artifice was gone, and the lake at its centre was replaced with living lava. In realspace, its vulcanism was long-over, but this deep into the distortion, an ancient heat lived on. Overhead, the stars had shifted faintly. Only the most attentive individual would notice, but a constellation or two were ever so slightly misaligned...

It seems that circling the rim counter-clockwise as you have been is what takes you deeper into the distortion, Wayfarers! I suppose you should continue... However, be mindful of the terrain!

Betel's warning was justified. Active lava flows were becoming ever-more common, and the fresher obsidian down here was sharp and plentifully strewn about. The party would need a solution to stay safe as they progressed.
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Gladion's hackles lowered as the Garganacl allowed them to pass. He felt faintly disappointed, but it would be rude to seem disappointed that they didn't get a fight out of it, and it was best to save their strength for later.

It is possible that your memory will improve upon evolution, Steven! However, it seems that there are differences in natural function between the bodies of heroic spirits like yourselves, and those of ordinary Forlasan pokémon. I wonder why that is...!

"Is it a soul thing?" Sage, Nova and himself all seemed to function differently. "That's where these bodies come from, no? If we've got our own expectations for how our species should work, or something like that. The whole Radiant Knight thing is unique to Forlas, and neither of us have shown any greater production of Radiance than any other wayfarers. Same with Shadow."

It seems that circling the rim counter-clockwise as you have been is what takes you deeper into the distortion, Wayfarers! I suppose you should continue... However, be mindful of the terrain!

Betel's warning was justified. Active lava flows were becoming ever-more common, and the fresher obsidian down here was sharp and plentifully strewn about. The party would need a solution to stay safe as they progressed.

A fight would certainly have been more interesting than the terrain of the Caldera itself opposing him. Steven was probably gonna be fine, since he could fly, and could possibly carry Koa. He and Nova would have to figure something out... He was pretty damn sure being flying type wasn't going to let them literally fly, maybe they'd be able to aerokinetically launch themselves at best. Would fire be enough to resist the magma? He could pretty easily guess what he'd wanna be feeling to become fire type, given coldness worked for ice.

He remembered the warmth of the sun on the beach. On days like that one, the sandy beaches would be crowded with tourists and locals alike, but Poni had some gravel beaches that were usually relatively private. The gravel clattered softly as the waves pushed it further up the beach and then pulled it back out again. He wasn't up for swimming, but soaking up the warmth was enough.

Once he felt that RKS System spark, he looked back to his tail and saw... green? Grass. Shit, no dice. If that wasn't it, he'd have to think less literal.

Hazel, trembling as he ran his hand gendtly down her side, trying to calm her. There had been one moment he couldn't figure out what was wrong, all he'd done was clean the room. Just until he'd realized that she wasn't breathing heavily but smelling something... He'd have to get a bleachy-smelling cleaning solution later. But for now, he had to comfort her. Even while trembling himself, shaken by the desire to tear into everyone and everything who'd hurt her. He cared so much it hurt.

This time, he got the result he was looking for. Cautiously, he walked up to the lava flow and touched the tip of his talon to it. Was it hot hot lava, or close enough to cooling that he could handle it? Maybe Steven would know just by looking at the stuff, but he didn't.
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