• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

-burstsdowndoor- ohaidere!


* T h e * U s e r * T i t l e *
Hi! My name is Nando. But you can call be Jordan if you want. I enjoy spriting, graphic designing and maybe a bit of writing.

I have known about The Cave of Dragonflies for years, but only just found the forums 0.0
Welcome! If you would mind staying on for a month we will consume your social life and/or your soul!
Don't listen to hiiiiim. I don't consume souls.

Only Nutella. I'm RandomTyphoon, or RT, Phoon, and any other abbreviation your twisted mind can splutter out, but darned if you call me Nessarose-*shot*

*thrusts out hand* HAI.
Hello. *hands over wallet*


*hands over buiseness card*

I'm Blastoise-the-attorney, and this *gestures* is the Cave of Dragonflies.
Screw spriting, I never saw the point. (I bet you by saying that I've just committed blasphemy amongst some people here)
But... He's a fucking graphic designer. :D

Anywho, welcome. I ordinarily only come after a member named Markku when introducing new members, but I saw this and I had to post. Consider yourself special. ;D
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Hmm, well, I was compelled to come here and post, so welcome Nando. Don't think that it's special that I come, I often go on welcome post streams. Well, eat tea and drink cod here at Tea-Cod! Enjoy your stay!
(Aww, I won't consume your soul.)
Hi! My name is Nando. But you can call be Jordan if you want. I enjoy spriting, graphic designing and maybe a bit of writing.

I have known about The Cave of Dragonflies for years, but only just found the forums 0.0

fuck yes I love the name Jordan

welcome to TCoD, bro
Yes! Another artsy person! *shakes hand vigorously* Welcome welcome welcomewelcomewelcome =D

Have some cod. *hands you a huge raw fish*
Hi. For your protection, Masquerade is locked up.

Welcome to T-C-o-D, where we eat tea and drink mint cod =D

You be nice to me, I be nice to you, and please, PLEASE don't mean. Kthanxbai
Welcome! If you would mind staying on for a month we will consume your social life and/or your soul!

Oh nuu! *Runs*

Don't listen to hiiiiim. I don't consume souls.

Only Nutella. I'm RandomTyphoon, or RT, Phoon, and any other abbreviation your twisted mind can splutter out, but darned if you call me Nessarose-*shot*

*thrusts out hand* HAI.

Good. I have no soul...

Hello. *hands over wallet*


*hands over buiseness card*

I'm Blastoise-the-attorney, and this *gestures* is the Cave of Dragonflies.

*Steals wallet* :) I am rich!

Screw spriting, I never saw the point. (I bet you by saying that I've just committed blasphemy amongst some people here)
But... He's a fucking graphic designer. :D

Anywho, welcome. I ordinarily only come after a member named Markku when introducing new members, but I saw this and I had to post. Consider yourself special. ;D

No. You are not alone. :( There is no Graphic art Galleries :angry:

Hmm, well, I was compelled to come here and post, so welcome Nando. Don't think that it's special that I come, I often go on welcome post streams. Well, eat tea and drink cod here at Tea-Cod! Enjoy your stay!
(Aww, I won't consume your soul.)


fuck yes I love the name Jordan

welcome to TCoD, bro

Hello Bro!

Yes! Another artsy person! *shakes hand vigorously* Welcome welcome welcomewelcomewelcome =D

Have some cod. *hands you a huge raw fish*

I hate Cod. I like carp. Magikarp :grin:
Hi. For your protection, Masquerade is locked up.

Welcome to T-C-o-D, where we eat tea and drink mint cod =D

You be nice to me, I be nice to you, and please, PLEASE don't mean. Kthanxbai

I am not mean. And thank you for locking him/she up!

I like the name Jordan too


I likes it too!

Thanks for the welcomes guys!
Hello, welcome. I don't normally post in introduction threads, but I've been meaning to, so I'll start here. I'm in a graphic design class, it's a lot of fun and good to know I'm not the only one. My brother's name is Jordan, but I'm pretty sure you're not him because he doesn't like pokemon.

Anyways, random rambling aside, I hope you have fun.
Welcome to the forums, my name is Darkarmour, I post pretty much everywhere so you're bound to bump into me. Have a good time.
Zora of Termina said:
Screw spriting, I never saw the point. (I bet you by saying that I've just committed blasphemy amongst some people here)
IT IS BLASPHEMY! *stabs repeatedly*

HAI NANDO! *grins*
*considers consuming soul*
*stabs with cattle prod*
Touch me again and I'll really make it hurt.

Really don't worry about them. They can't consume your soul. >>
Actually, Masquerade is a Mewtwo that haunts the intros and tells everyone to-
Oh, great, he got out... *grabs him by the hand and throws him back where I locked him up*
*locks him up*
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