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Charter School~!


yan ya yan ya yaa iii yaaa
I got accepted! This means I will not spend my high school days bored half to death, blocking out the talking of my classmates! I will not be around said classmates to get bullied any longer! My effort to get straight A's will be more appreciated! I'll get the procrastination out of my system so I won't fail! My school will actually get decent funding!

For the first goddamn time since I was in Kindergarten, I'll be challenged!

Also, because I have to have a four year accumulating project, I'm going to improve my writing and (hopefully) get a book published.

I can't freaking wait until next year, even if I have to say goodbye to my awesome chorus teacher.


I can't freaking wait until next year, even if I have to say goodbye to my awesome chorus teacher.

this is what the internet is for

Also, because I have to have a four year accumulating project, I'm going to improve my writing and (hopefully) get a book published.

Send me a copy at some point and I will read it. C:

Isn't it awesome when life doesn't completely piss on you?
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