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Open Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 4 more players!]


New member
In December 2012 a deadly plague was released in Central Europe, created by a man now known only as Emperor Gai.

The plague kills most humans and most animals on contact, but to a few, it has little effect.
Tokyo is one of the few places on Earth that is defended against the Plague, and Gai's forces of re-animated dead are now focused on breaking Tokyo's walls, which were built by a concerned Japanese government as the Plague sped through Europe, down and infecting the city.

12 years later, an organization called OmegaTech develops 8 devices that generate an armored suit that both empowers the user, and gives immunity to the Plague for 30 minutes at a time.

Rei Saigoni is a vengeful man who works at OmegaTech who is unhappy with his life. Rei has a hero-complex and desires to both protect humanity and destoy evil. In order to put Rei's talents to good use, his boss recommends him to OmegaTech's Board of Director's as the ideal OmegaRed.

Rei is given the Red Omega Riser, the position as Team Leader, and the orders to defeat any Infected on sight, and taxed with finding operators for the other Risers.


You take on the role of one of 8 Operators of the Omega Risers, called an OmegaRanger.

To be selected as a member of OmegaRanger, you must fill in this form:



Physical description:


Colour: Blue / Yellow / Green / Black / White / Violet / Pink

Codename based on personality/motivation (ie. OmegaRed's is Commander):

Why do you wish to become an OmegaRanger:

Weapon: Ranged / Melee


Name: Rei Saigoni

Age: 24

Physical description: Quite tall and musclely, with light brown hair and green eyes.

Personality: Usually mild mannered, Rei has a vengeful side as his parents were directly killed by Gai 12 years ago in Europe. Rei has a good sense of humour and the burning desire to protect making him the ideal OmegaRed.

Colour: Red

Codename based on personality/motivation: Commander

Why do you wish to become an OmegaRanger: To protect the people of Tokyo from Gai's evil, and to avenge his parents.

Weapon: Melee / Sword


Send me an application here if you want to play!
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Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger

Name: Benedict Manus

Age: 30

Physical description:


Personality: Slightly arrogant but generally mild-mannered and agreeable, Benedict's suitability for the role of OmegaBlack stems from his skill in martial arts, endless determination, iron will and complete disregard for his own well-being.

Colour: Black

Codename based on personality/motivation: Nihilist

Why do you wish to become an OmegaRanger: To destroy the virus forever and restore the Earth to its former glory.

Weapon: Melee / Strength-enhancing Gauntlets
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger


Name: Benedict Manus

Age: 30

Physical description:


Personality: Slightly arrogant but generally mild-mannered and agreeable, Benedict's suitability for the role of OmegaBlack stems from his skill in martial arts, endless determination, iron will and complete disregard for his own well-being.

Colour: Black

Codename based on personality/motivation: Nihilist

Why do you wish to become an OmegaRanger: To destroy the virus forever and restore the Earth to its former glory.

Weapon: Melee / Strength-enhancing Gauntlets
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger

Rei ran through the streets of Tokyo, after being informed of an attack by the Infected. On his way he crosses paths with a man dressed in black.
He reached the group of Infected shortly after, and giving a quick count, the smiled to himself.

Seven, I should be able to take. In theory.

Raising his wrist-mounted OmegaRiser, he shouted "Omega! Rise UP!".

Where Rei stood, now stood a helmeted hero with red armour and a black spandex under-suit.

Rei jumped into the crowd and began beating on the Infected, crushing the head of an adult male undead.
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Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger [Need 6 more players!]

Benedict had been reluctantly fleeing from the Infected attack when he saw Rei. He usually did his best to fight them away when any Infected slipped through in his area of Tokyo but when he saw the attacking crowd he knew he had to leave. But seeing someone else rushing towards the crowd didn't strike well with Benedict's ego and he turned back and started running towards the Infected.

He arrived just in time to watch Rei transform into OmegaRed but didn't pay much attention. He had heard of the red-clad crusader going through Tokyo and slamming the Infected wherever he went, it was only a matter of time before he encountered him.

Benedict put on his gloves and oxygen mask, mementos from his days in the British Army and instrumental in his fights with the Infected as they prevented him from contracting the virus but he had never dared test them in large groups, being certain a gap would eventually allow infection.

But Benedict was in his fight mode now and he no longer cared for his own health. He launched himself at one of the Infected, bowling it over and smashing its head against the ground.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger [Need 6 more players!]

Rei was being attacked by 3 Infected when he saw the man in black from earlier smashing an Infected against the ground. He was very glad of the help, but knew the guy wouldn't last long without a proper suit.

"Hey guy" he shouted while kicking the Infected away "thanks for the help but I think you need to kick it up a bit. I'll explain later, but just put this on your strong wrist, press the middle button and scream "Omega Rise Up!". You'll thank me later" he said while passing the man an Omega Riser from his pack.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger [Need 6 more players!]

Benedict wasn't going to pass up a helping hand and slapped the device on to his wrist. He pressed the middle button and shouted.

"Omega Rise Up!"

In a flash of light, Benedict was clad in black armour. Not stopping to question where the armour came from, he crushed the head of a nearby infected in his hand.
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Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger [Need 6 more players!]

"Like a pro" Rei said as he side flipped over to the last Infected and round-house kicked her head off.

After all the Infected had been dealt with, Rei pressed the middle button of his Riser two times and his armour disappeared. He instructed the man who was now OmegaBlack to do the same.

"Hey, my name is Rei, and I guess I'm your leader now. Your code name is OmegaBlack. And my first orders to you are to return to base with me and hear about what you just signed yourself up for!"
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger [Need 6 more players!]

Benedict raised an eyebrow but complied and followed his "leader" through the streets of Tokyo, back to the towering skyscraper that was the headquarters of OmegaTech.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger [Need 6 more players!]

"Welcome, to OmegaTech!" Rei exclaimed holding his hands out wide, indicating the two wings of the sprawling building to Benedict. "This building holds the pinnacle of anti-Infected technology!" he said with a wide smile.

"That Riser you just used was built as an anti-Infected device to be used by an operator who went through a very thorough reviewing and screening process. But you know, desperate times..." Rei trailed off.

"Anyway, first thing to do is get you a jacket, and some quarters... oh, you live here now. Commitment's a bitch, right? Heehee... Oh yeah, uhm, what's your name?" Rei said with his wide smile. "My name is Rei, and I work for OmegaTech as leader of the Anti-Infected movement known as Project Omega. I'm the team leader... of the team that currently comprises of just you and me... no one really seemed qualified enough from the interviews or applications yet."

"Anyway... your name is?"
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger [Need 6 more players!]

Benedict raised an eyebrow at the random and chaotic speech pattern of his new "leader".

"I've been called a lot of things over the years but I like to go by Benedict Manus. Feel free to add "the Third" or "Esquire" if you want to, I don't really mind. You can even do both if it really means that much to you."
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger [Need 6 more players!]

"Can I call you Benny?" Rei said with a sheepish grin, showing Benedict to a staircase.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger [Need 6 more players!]

Benedict grimaced at the name as he started ascending the steps.

"If it really makes that much of a difference you can call me whatever you want."
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger [Need 6 more players!]

"Well that's great... Ben" Rei said as he reached the top of the stairs and rounded the corner to the corridor.

"Well, this is your new room. I'll have your name affixed to it later." Rei said gesturing to the room on his right.

"I'll let you get used the room for an hour, and I want you to meet me in Training Room 1 then. Just ask one of the people in OmegaTech jackets for directions. Most of them are helpful. Just look out for a tall girl with blonde pigtails. She hates all living things." Rei said, then dashed back down the stairs.

"Later Benny!" he shouted back up at the astonished-looking Benedict.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 6 more players!]

Benedict did as he had been instructed and walked into the Training Room he had been directed to an hour later. Rei was waiting for him.

"Yes, oh glorious leader?"
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 6 more players!]

Rei was waiting for Benedict in Training Room 1, but as soon as Ben saw him, he seemed to disappear.

"Welcome Ben!" came Rei's voice from the distance.

Benedict turned around to look for Rei in the open space of the room, and was met with a drop-kick from Rei who suddenly appeared from beside him.

"OmegaTech Stealth Armour attachment for your OmegaRiser. Heehee, the look on your face!" Rei said whilst beaming and walking circles around Benedict. "Anyway... time for your official entrance exam!"


"So" Rei said as his armour appeared around him. "Your goal is... to knock me to the ground! Ready?! GO!" Rei shouted.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 6 more players!]

Benedict didn't betray any emotion in his face as he pushed the button on his own OmegaRiser.

"Omega! Rise Up!"

As soon as he was encased in the armour, Benedict ran at Rei with a punch aimed at his head before changing course at the last second and slide-tackling his opponent.
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Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 6 more players!]

Rei hopped to the side, and aimed a round house kick at Benedict, his Red armour shining against the strong, bright lights of the training room.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 6 more players!]

Name: Inouchi Shiro


Physical description: 5'10" 140lbs. short cut white hair. deep blue eyes. "twinkish" body type. two tattoos. Kanji for "Life" on the right arm, and "Death" on the left arm. moon shaped scar on left palm.

Personality: a cold, sometimes heartless bastard. rarely shows emotions but could slowly gain the trust of others. intelligent, and a master strategist.

Color: White

Codename based on personality/motivation : Observer

Why do you wish to become an OmegaRanger: I watched the Undead slaughter my family and my American boyfriend. In one night, I lost everything. I use my skills as martial artist to survive on my own for months, without any contact from the living. I have made it to Tokyo. a paradise compared to the outside world. I want to help protect the people here, and stop Gai and his sick, twisted desires.

Weapon: a silver trident with gold, blue, and red accents and three small holes in the top of the hilt. one hole has a yellow jewel. basic melee weapon with electrical powers.
Re: Chou Sentai OmegaRanger / Super Squadron OmegaRanger [Need 6 more players!]


Name: Inouchi Shiro


Physical description: 5'10" 140lbs. short cut white hair. deep blue eyes. "twinkish" body type. two tattoos. Kanji for "Life" on the right arm, and "Death" on the left arm. moon shaped scar on left palm.

Personality: a cold, sometimes heartless bastard. rarely shows emotions but could slowly gain the trust of others. intelligent, and a master strategist.

Color: White

Codename based on personality/motivation : Observer

Why do you wish to become an OmegaRanger: I watched the Undead slaughter my family and my American boyfriend. In one night, I lost everything. I use my skills as martial artist to survive on my own for months, without any contact from the living. I have made it to Tokyo. a paradise compared to the outside world. I want to help protect the people here, and stop Gai and his sick, twisted desires.

Weapon: a silver trident with gold, blue, and red accents and three small holes in the top of the hilt. one hole has a yellow jewel. basic melee weapon with electrical powers.
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