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Tyrrier Cornèbre Forest

Ch08: The Light of Tyrrier Part 1 – The Monster in the Woods New
  • Bellatrix poked at a piece of splintered wood with a clawtip, her eyes narrowing in thought. This was rather new, wasn't it? Between the tabloids and the Covenant, she was confident that she would've heard something about it by now.

    "Do you think that these were made by the same thing that carved those glyphs?" she asked no one in particular. Bellatrix was pretty confident that they weren't but she seemed keen to theorise for the time being. The oddities here had completely enraptured her, demonstrating a side to her that she tended to hide beneath a cool and collected veneer.

    The zoroark looked around and when she noticed the lack of a certain scarlet bug in her perimeter, she groaned. "And..." Bellatrix began, rubbing the bridge of her muzzle. "Has anyone been keeping an eye on Ser Garnet?"

    "Oh don't go worrying about me!" chirped the scizor near the back of the group. "I'm right here! What kind of escort would I be if I lost sight of you, hm?"

    "Of course," Bellatrix replied curtly.

    Despite the word of both the Covenant and Garnet herself, it felt like the Wayfarers themselves were doing the escorting as Garnet had a propensity to wander off and get distracted by anything that looked mildly interesting. From the glyphs, to the patterning of the tree bark, to a wild spinarak that spat webs in her face. In all honesty, it would've been easier to leave her behind but the Wayfarers had an image to maintain and a mission to complete, even if it meant putting up with the scizor's antics. Bellatrix's own patience had waned to nothingness and she hoped that another Wayfarer would take Garnet off her claws.

    [ ] Expedition Objective: Investigate the Source of Radiance in Tyrrier

    As they walked, Bellatrix's ears began to flick and her mane billowed. Something felt off and the others would sense it too but the feeling was indescribable. Were they being watched? Followed? Perhaps they could look around and investigate with what limited time they had...
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