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Coroxn vs. Cubone


Murderer of Words
1v1 Single
DQ: 1 Week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKOs
Arena: Abandon Pokemorph Lab

As the name says, this science research lab has been abandon for years. However, much of the technology is still intact. The scientists had never actually made a successful attempt at creating a pokemorph, but they did succeed at something. When three pokemon enter at once, with one pokemon in the lead, the two back pokemon freeze, and the lead pokemon gains the frozen pokemon's abilities and movepools, in addition to their own. The trainers will be teleported in to avoid getting frozen/death.

Please note that the safety of you and your pokemon is not the responsibility of Cubone, the referee, or Negrek.

Coroxn’s Active Party:

[Paris] Piplup (M)
Ability: Torrent
Body Mod: Royal Blood

[Scylla] Cloyster (M)
Ability: Shell Armor
Move Mod: Six-Pronged Strike

[Stymphalian] Starly (M)
Ability: Keen Eye

[Delphi] Abra (M)
Ability: Inner Focus

[Medusa of the Seas] Frillish (M)
Ability: Cursed Body

[Charybdis] Shellos (M)
Ability: Sticky Hold

[Bessae] Ralts (M)
Ability: Trace

[Stuxnet] Porygon
Ability: Download
Body Mod: Zero Day

[Prometheus] Magby (M)
Ability: Flame Body

Cubone’s Party:

[Katrina] Absol (F)
Ability: Pressure

[Rex] Sandile (M)
Ability: Moxie

[Drake] Seedot (M)
Ability: Chlorophyll

[Luna] Cubone (F)
Ability: Rock Head

The Ref Says:
Cubone sends out and designates leader.
Coroxn sends out, designates leader and attacks.
Cubone attacks.
I ref.

So, to clarify, you’ll both select three Pokemon (indicating which one is the lead), and I’ll combine their movepools/abilities?
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