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Automata heart

a skirt full of scamper and a head full of vodka
hi, i'm sakura, and i'm really new to cosplay, i love the idea, but have new really done it before. (except from wearing cat ears or a naruto headband to the mall or town.) i'm (hopefully) cosplaying as misa next weekend and would like to know if anyone has any tips. (for a misa cosplay or just general.) anything would be greatly appreciated. thank you.
sakura. *bows*
Well, if you're cosplaying as Misa... I'd suggest you really pay attention to what her clothes really look like instead of just slapping on some kinda-sort of-notreally-similar clothes in the same style. And get the right hair! Misa, and Death Note characters in general are very popular(and in my opinion a bit overdone) but if you really pay attention to your costume, you can stand out as a really good Misa beside hundreds of meh ones... and even this can be hard seeing how it's such a popular costume. But if you really want to be her, well, this is what I got.

As for tips... I'd say spend time on your costumes, making sure they get as similar as you can to the original. Also pay attention to the hair and shoes!
i look a lot like her, so the hair's not a problem. i has having some trouble making it look non-slutty, so i ended up going for a much more punky look. i'm going to be waling around, so i'm wearing my best pair of red canvas-tops. i looked at alot of pictures of different cosplays of her, and i saw what people did right and wrong, and avoided things that look bad on me, but would still suite her. thank you so much for the advice. it helped alot.
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