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Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

"Let's do this!" Koa called to the team. Time to see if his time training paid off.

Pulling his bandana over his snout, he pressed forward into the sandstorm. Archie's voice came from ahead, and he angled towards it, spotting a Gible. Energy pulsed rythmically through Koa as he settled into a stance he had refined for himself. Then he lunged neatly forward and struck a decisive blow before springing back.

That one had felt good.

Koa (52 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Walk to Orchard West
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Howl (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- STRONG Mach Punch @ Gible (-9 STM, +5 TMP)
Net change: -27 STM, +12 TMP
Net totals: 25 STM (38 after regen), 17 TMP
Empowered by the encouragement of his team, Silver covered his mouth once more and dove into the sandstorm. He winced when sharp stones dug into his skin, but he shook off the dull pain with a grunt and by redirecting his annoyance at the out-of-control dragons.

“Hey! Party’s over, you punks!” he called out, his eyes glowing with a debilitating aura. “You’ve had your little fun! Now scram!”

To reinforce the message, Silver darted toward the Gible and struck it with a rock-shattering punch, pouring a much bigger amount of energy than usual. He smirked in delight; that “strong” technique really was something! So satisfying!

And if anything, at least those wild ‘mons now had another set of targets to focus their dragonfire on.

Silver (66 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Receive Coaching
- Walk to Orchard West
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Leer @ Gible & Axew (-14 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
- STRONG Rock Smash @ Gible (-16.5 STM, effect, -3 TMP, +4 TMP)
Net change: -31 STM, +8 TMP
Net totals: 35 STM (51 after regen), 13 TMP

Spotter Feat: Gible’ and Axew’s moves
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Turn 1 - Player Phase

Everyone moved to West Orchard. Pointed stones dug into everyone! Silver took reduced damage from his Fighting-type.
Silver's STRONG Rock Smash dealt 22 dmg to West Gible!
Koa's STRONG Mach Punch dealt 14 dmg to West Gible!
Archie's STRONG Razor Shell dealt 25 dmg to West Gible!
Archie's Assurance dealt 24 dmg to West Gible! KO!!
Sandstorm buffeted Archie, Koa, Laura, Silver, and Axew.

Silver's Intel Results:
West Gible's moves:
Dragon Breath - Sand Attack - Sand Tomb - Bite
West Axew's moves: Scary Face - Dragon Claw - Leer - Bite

Gligar squinted through the sand, gritting her fangs. "Those stones are a real pain in the behind, aren't they? Lemme see if I can do anything about 'em..."
Gligar is planning something for next turn!

Turn 1 - Enemy Phase

Axew's Scary Face slowed Silver!
Axew's Dragon Claw dealt 19 dmg to Archie!

Jangmo-o seemed confused as to why everyone was avoiding it. It wanted to show that it was strong, and that this orchard definitely belonged to its pack!

Jangmo-o used Work Up!
Jangmo-o's Dragon Breath dealt 32 dmg to Axew!

Meanwhile, the dragons in the east orchard seemed to have noticed that strong Pokemon had just arrived. But each of them was the strongest! This wouldn't do at all--these newcomers had to go.

Some of them were still intent on driving each other out, though...
Axew's Roar didn't affect Jangmo-o! Soundproof!
Axew's Dragon Claw dealt 15 dmg to Jangmo-o!
Gible's Bite dealt 8 dmg to Axew!
Gible's Dragon Breath dealt 14 dmg to Koa!
Jangmo-o's Dragon Tail dealt 13 dmg to Axew! Axew was sent flying into the Dusty Hills!
Jangmo-o's Dragon Breath dealt 21 dmg to Silver!
Sandstorm buffeted Archie, Koa, Laura, Silver, Axew, and the Soundproof Jangmo-o.
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Xoco waved her claws in the air to get the party's attention through the sand. "Oi! Some of you are lookin' a bit worse for wear! I bet you could nab a berry to take care of it. The owners won't mind--we're saving their fields, after all!"

Try using the SPECIAL INTERACT option to obtain a Berry for 3 Tempo! The fields have Oran and Leppa trees. The Berry will be added to your bag, and still requires a Bonus Action to consume.

The Gligar turned to face the sand clouds, licking her fangs. "Now about those rocks... I'll show ya somethin' cool~"

Defog removed the Stealth Rocks and lowered Gible and Axew's Evasion! Gligar doesn't have enough stamina to use more moves.

"That's all I got for now! Go ahead and let em have it!"

The East Gible has lowered Evasion, countering its Sand Veil. When targeting it, put the EVA stage at 0.
STEALTH ROCKS have been removed from the entire orchard!
The Gligar was pretty impressive, actually. More than that, she said she usually did this solo, and now she was running support for the team... Which made Laura wonder – was this really about them helping her, or was it another test by the rangers? Or, no, not a test. Training.

She grinned drily, and scratched some sand out of her ears. Alright, let's see what she could learn... and teach.

"Koa, Archie, follow through with those strikes! Don't overbalance, keep on your paws!"

She clapped her paws together again, and felt the same burst of energy as before. This time, boosting Silver. Okay, that was no fluke, then. She should practice that, too...

And then... deep breaths. Remember what Kotetsu said.

It's all about your will. Do not believe that you are 'attacking' or 'using a move'. There is a target, and you are cutting the target. In the moment of your attack, the intent to cut is the only thing that matters. Everything else is a distraction. Now, cut the target!

Her claws extended, gleaming like metal in the sun.

She cut the target.

No distractions.

Laura (65 STM, 9 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Coaching @ Koa & Archie (-18 STM, -8 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Helping Hand @ Silver (-8 STM, +2 TMP)
- Power Spot triggers for Koa/Silver/Archie
- Bonus Action: Focus (+5 TMP)
- STRONG Metal Claw @ Axew (-7.5 STM, -7 TMP, +4 TMP) [+1 Atk]
- Interact @ Leppa Berry (-3 TMP)
- Walk to East Orchard
Net change: -34 STM, -5 TMP
Net totals: 31 STM (49 after regen), 4 TMP
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Between the weather, the rocks, and the Axew, Archie was already feeling a bit worn down. Thankfully, between the group of them they’d managed to take down one of the Gibles, and the wild Pokemon were as invested in fighting one another as they were facing down the new intruders. This meant that as long as they could keep their teamwork cohesive, they stood a good chance of clearing the place!

But, before then, the Oshawott would have to do something about his injuries. Part of him was loathe to take from the orchard trees – it just seemed unprofessional – but, the actual Ranger was advocating for it, and well, if it was a few lost berries versus the loss of the entire field, he’d definitely agree the owners would rather the former. So he grabbed an Oran Berry and chowed down, before turning his sights on his next target.

“Well, if it’s follow through you’re looking for!” Archie said, with a grin. He closed distance, following after the Meowth in targeting the Axew, and slashed at it with his scalchop, focusing on breaking through the dragon’s guard and leaving it wide open for the others! “Now’s your chance, before it centers itself again!”

He hopped back, out of the way, and followed Laura to the other side of the orchard!

Archie (29 STM, 13 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Interact @ Oran Tree (-3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Oran Berry)
- Razor Shell @ Axew (-16 STM, effect, -5 TMP, +3 TMP)
- Walk to East Orchard
Net change: -16 STM, -5 TMP
Net totals: 13 STM (26 after regen), 8 TMP
  1. Laura
  2. Archie
  3. Silver
  4. Koa
"Thanks for the assist!" he called to Xoco.

Panting, he grabbed an Oran berry on a low branch. This would keep him going. One down, a few more to go.

With Laura's commands spurring him on, Koa charged first at the Axew and struck before turning lightly on his paws and chasing a Gible.

Koa (38 STM, 17 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Interact @ Pick oran berry (-3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Oran Berry)
- Mach Punch @ Axew (-6 STM, +3 TMP)
- Dash to Ochard East (-2 TMP)
- Mach Punch @ Gible (-9 STM, +3 TMP)
Net change: -15 STM, +1 TMP
Net totals: 23 STM (36 after regen), 18 TMP
What the… Did that puny dragon just try to scare him? Silver didn’t know whether he was amused or unimpressed, so he simply humphed in response.

However, that Scary Face still managed to seep deep into his bones, and Silver could feel that his own reflexes had slowed down significantly. And another opponent took this opportunity to strike him with a blast of dragonfire.

“Agh!” he cried out, gritting his fangs in pain. That definitely hurt… a lot!

Without thinking a second too many, he swiped a nearby Oran Berry and ate it in a few quick bites. He waved at Laura, giving a silent thanks with a confident grin for giving another boost, before lunging at the dragon that dared to scare him off. As he bolted forward, he absorbed some of the leftover energy left behind by Koamaru, and his clenched claws became as speedy as bullets.

Silver (51 STM, 13 TMP, -2 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Interact @ Oran Tree (-3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Orange Berry)
- Rock Smash @ Axew (-11 STM, +2 TMP)
- Assist (Mach Punch) @ Axew (-16 STM, -8 TMP, +2 TMP)

Note: If Axew W goes down before the Mach Punch, aim the attack at Jangmo-o W.

Net change: -31 STM, -7 TMP
Net totals: 20 STM (36 after regen), 6 TMP
Turn 2 - Player Phase

Laura's STRONG Metal Claw dealt 8 dmg to West Axew! +1 Atk!
Laura is boosting the party with Helping Hand!
Archie's Razor Shell dealt 21 dmg to West Axew! -1 Def!
Silver's Rock Smash dealt 28 dmg to West Axew! KO!!
Silver's Mach Punch dealt 20 dmg to West Jangmo-o!
Koa's Mach Punch dealt 12 dmg to West Jangmo-o!
Koa's Mach Punch dealt 10 dmg to East Gible!
Sandstorm buffeted the party...

Turn 2 - Enemy Phase

West Jangmo-o's Dragon Breath dealt 16 dmg to Xoco!
West Jangmo-o's Dragon Tail dealt 12 dmg to Silver! Silver was sent flying into the Orchard Path!

Jangmo-o had the entire west half of the orchard to itself! It proudly let out a roar to announce its victory.

The dragons in the east orchard were a little preoccupied to care...

Axew walked to Orchard East
Axew's Leer weakened Koa and Jangmo-o!
Axew's Dragon Claw dealt 22 dmg to Jangmo-o!
East Jangmo-o's Dragon Breath dealt 24 dmg to Archie!
East Jangmo-o's Dragon Tail dealt 13 dmg to Axew!
Axew was sent flying into the Dusty Hills... again!
Gible's Bite dealt 9 dmg to Laura!
Gible's Dragon Breath dealt 17 dmg to West Jangmo-o!

Xoco flattened her ears at the sound of the lone jangmo-o's crowing. Better to deal with that one now...

Xoco flew to Orchard West
Xoco's Knock Off dealt 9 dmg to West Jangmo-o!
Xoco's U-Turn dealt 10 dmg to West Jangmo-o! She retreated to Orchard East
Xoco's Tailwind! The party in Orchard East got +1 Spd.

The Gligar thrust a claw in the air. "Let's go, I bet we can clear out the orchard in one fell swoop!"

Objective: Clear all the dragons out of the orchard!
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She fell into a rhythm of combat, attacking, recovering, sending a boost to her allies – again, again, again. The sand whipping through the air stung her skin and battered her energy, but she could keep this up. She wasn't attracting too much attention, it seemed like...

Incredibly, they were winning. It wasn't even that incredible, really – such was the value of real tactics and teamwork over posturing and raw strength. They could do this.

Laura (49 STM, 4 TMP, +1 SPD, +0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
- AGILE Metal Claw @ Gible (-7.5 STM, hit, -1 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Metal Claw @ Gible (-5 STM, hit, -1 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Helping Hand @ Archie (-8 STM, +2 TMP)
- Helping Hand @ Koa (-12 STM, +2 TMP)
- Coaching @ Archie and Koa (-18 STM, -8 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Power Spot triggers
- Interact @ Leppa (-3 TMP)
Net change: -8 STM, -3 TMP
Net totals: 41 STM (59 after regen), 1 TMP
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Oh jeez, he really was just not well suited for this, wasn’t he? Between the sandstorm and the dragon fire, he was already hurting bad again. But, their enemy was hurting far worse, with the remaining Axew and both Jangmo-os looking worse for wear, that just left the remaining Gible as a serious problem. And, well, Xoco certainly seemed to believe they could finish this quickly. Maybe if he played things a little risky for just a moment…

The Oshawott grabbed a Leppa Berry from a nearby tree and chowed down. Then he wheeled on the nearby Jangmo-o, slashing at it with his scalchop before following up with a spin to smack it with his tail. This set him up to rush down the Gible, putting everything he had into another swing to set the Pokemon off guard. That was all for him for now, though. He needed to fall back and regroup, before another dragon appeared out from the storm and knocked him on his ass. That other Axew, at the very least, could very much still in this fight!

Archie (26 STM, 8 TMP, +1 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Interact @ Leppa Tree (-3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+29 STM)
- Aerial Ace @ Jangmo-o (-8 STM, Sure Hit, +3 TMP)
- Assurance @ Jangmo-o (-15 STM, +3 TMP)
- STRONG Razor Shell @ Gible (-24 STM, Sure Hit, effect, -4 TMP, +5 TMP)
- Walk to West Orchard
Net change: -45 STM, +4 TMP
Net totals: 10 STM (23 after regen), 12 TMP
  1. Laura
  2. Archie
  3. Silver
  4. Koa
With Laura at his back strengthening him, Koa charged after the Gible.

Koa (36 STM, 16 TMP, +1 SPD, +0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Mach Punch @ Gible (-6 STM, +3 TMP)
- STRONG CRITICAL Mach Punch @ Gible (-12 STM, -20 TMP, +6 TMP)
Net change: -17 STM, -6 TMP
Net totals: 19 STM (32 after regen), 10 TMP
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Heck yeah! Nothing got the adrenaline pumping like a good tussle, and seeing his opponents fall under his power did wonders to Silver’s building ego. He got so enthralled by his battle-induced mad dashes that he barely registered the grazing sand… and he failed to notice the hardened tail being swung at him like a baseball bat.


Silver was sent flying through the sandstorm, away from the rest of the team.

“Aaah! Why, you little p—”

And he disappeared with a sparkling twinkle… only to find himself plummeting to the floor, lifting a dust cloud on impact and creating a Sneasel-shaped crater.

“—riiiick…” he moaned dizzily, while stars swirled in his eyes. But with a quick shake of his head, he regained his bearings and slowly got back on his feet. The veins on his head pulsed with irritation, and he turned to the cries of the triumphant Jangmo-o.

That sealed the nails of the coffin for the little dragon, as the now fast and furious Silver emerged from the sandstorm with fists pulsing with power. And then, the Sneasel unleashed on the unfortunate target a barrage of speedy punches.


Silver (36 STM, 6 TMP, -2 SPD, +0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Dash to Orchard West (-2 TMP)
- AGILE Rock Smash @ Jangmo-o (-16.5 STM, Sure Hit, effect, -5 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Rock Smash @ Jangmo-o (-11 STM, +2 TMP)
Net change: -32 STM, +2 TMP
Net totals: 4 STM (20 after regen), 8 TMP
Turn 3 - Player Phase

Laura's AGILE Metal Claw dealt 5 dmg to Gible!
Laura's Metal Claw dealt 6 dmg to Gible!
Archie's Aerial Ace dealt 20 dmg to East Jangmo-o!
Archie's Assurance dealt 18 dmg to Gible!
Archie's STRONG Razor Shell dealt 26 dmg to Gible! -1 Def!
Silver's AGILE Rock Smash dealt 11 dmg to West Jangmo-o!
Silver's Rock Smash dealt 14 dmg to West Jangmo-o! KO!!
Koa's Mach Punch dealt 16 dmg to Gible!
Koa's STRONG CRITICAL Mach Punch dealt 24 dmg to Gible! KO!!
Sandstorm buffeted the party.
Jangmo-o fled into the Dusty Hills...

Xoco thrust a claw into the air. "Got em! Nice work, everyone. Looks like that takes care of this jo--"

An echoing roar mixed with something like the clanging of metal plates resounded from the hills to the southeast.

Xoco's barbed tail lashed. "Course things can't ever be easy..." she grumbled.

Turn 3 - Enemy Phase

Just seconds after the last Jangmo-o disappeared into the dry grass, Hakamo-o came thundering out from the hills, scales spread wide in a threat display. Its eyes locked onto the little Axew that had blown into its territory. It let out a low hiss, scales clattering.

Hakamo-o used Iron Defense!
Hakamo-o used Work Up!
Axew's Bite dealt 6 dmg to Hakamo-o!
Axew is scared!
Hakamo-o's STRONG Dragonbreath dealt 68 dmg to Axew! KO!!

More roars resounded from the rocky ledges south of the orchard--the alphas of each dragon pack, no doubt.

Xoco squinted at the Hakamo-o as it turned its attention to the party in the orchard. "I knew it. That one's got somethin' there..."

Xoco's Knock Off dealt 10 dmg to Hakamo-o! The Dragon Fang fell to the ground.
Xoco's U-Turn dealt 8 dmg to Hakamo-o!
Xoco retreated to Orchard East.

Elite enemies are more powerful than regular ones! Sometimes they'll have held items, or increased HP, or be able to use Style Mastery, just like players!
Laura bit her lip.

"Okay, this guy's gonna be tougher," she said, in a low voice. "But it's okay. I'll draw his attention; then Silver should break his stance; then Koa, Archie, you go for the knockout."

She snapped her fingers with each step of the strategy, and each time there was that jolt, that siphoning of her energy to her teammates. She was... buffing them? Apparently? Well, good.

She wiped sand from her face, and flexed her shining claws again.

"Have my back!" she called, as she darted towards the next dragon.

Laura (59 STM, 1 TMP, +1 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Coaching @ Archie (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- Helping Hand @ Koa (-8 STM, +2 TMP)
- Helping Hand @ Silver (-12 STM, +2 TMP)
- Power Spot triggers
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
- Dash to Dusty Hills (-2 TMP)
- AGILE Metal Claw @ Hakamo-o (-7.5 STM, hit, -1 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Metal Claw @ Hakamo-o (-5 STM, hit, -1 TMP, +2 TMP)
Net change: -8 STM, +6 TMP
Net totals: 51 STM (69 after regen), 7 TMP
Silver’s ear twitched when he heard Archie approaching and he focused on the Oshawott, while eating what was left of the Leppa in his paw.

“You’re kinda late, man,” he said, before flashing a proud smirk. “I took care of that little punk! But I appreciate you coming to check on me and offer backup.”

Then, the roar echoed across the orchard, loud enough to pierce through the howling sandstorm. Silver frowned; that wasn't promising.

“Speaking of backup, we should go back to the others and see what’s happening.”

Silver rushed toward the east side of the orchard, and there it was: a tall Hakamo-o stomping toward the group, its plates clanging noisily. The Sneasel got close enough to the others to hear Laura’s idea.

"Okay, this guy's gonna be tougher," she said, in a low voice. "But it's okay. I'll draw his attention; then Silver should break his stance; then Koa, Archie, you go for the knockout."

“Sounds like a plan,” said Silver, nodding in agreement. He pounded his fists together and showed a wide smirk, relishing the mixture of his and Laura’s power. “Let’s show that oversized lizard who’s the real boss around here!”

Silver quickly followed the Meowth’s lead, aiming straight at their new target while brimming with debilitating aura, an overconfident glare shining on his face.

Silver (20 STM, 8 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Walk to Orchard East
- Interact @ Leppa Tree (-3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
- Receive Helping Hand
- Receive Helping Hand
- Dash to Dusty Hills (-2 TMP)
- AGILE Rock Smash @ Hakamo-o (-16.5 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
- Rock Smash @ Hakamo-o (-11 STM, effect, -5 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Leer @ Hakamo-o (-14 STM, +2 TMP)
Net change: -5 STM, -4 TMP
Net totals: 15 STM (31 after regen), 4 TMP
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Archie (39 STM, 8 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Interact @ Oran (-3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Dash (-2 TMP)
- STRONG Razor Shell @ Hakamo-o (-24 STM, effect, -3 TMP, +4 TMP)
- Aerial Ace @ Hakamo-o (-8 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
Net change: -32 STM, -2 TMP
Net totals: 7 STM (20 after regen), 6 TMP

1. Laura
2. Silver
3. Archie
4. Koa
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So this was how it felt to have a trainer. It was weird to not have to call the shots for once, or to try and strategize, thinking on the fly. To know one of his teammates had his back and he could just focus on striking. Plus Laura seemed to have a good head on her shoulders, and sound judgement in battle. He liked it.

"Good call!" Koa called to Laura. "I got you!"

Fisting shining with energy, he charged after Laura. Time to show this dragon who was the better fighter.

Koa (32 STM, 12 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Receive Helping Hand
- Walk to Dusty Hills
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Mach Punch @ Hakamo-o (-6 STM, +3 TMP)
- STRONG CRITICAL Mach Punch @ Hakamo-o (-12 STM, -20 TMP, +5 TMP)
- Interact @ Grab Oran berry (-3 TMP)
Net change: -18 STM, -10 TMP
Net totals: 14 STM (27 after regen), 2 TMP
Turn 4 - Player Phase

Laura's AGILE Metal Claw dealt 4 dmg to Hakamo-o!
Laura's Metal Claw dealt 5 dmg to Hakamo-o!
Silver's AGILE Rock Smash dealt 9 dmg to Hakamo-o!
Silver's Rock Smash dealt 12 dmg to Hakamo-o!
Silver's Leer weakened Hakamo-o!
Archie's STRONG Razor Shell dealt 28 dmg to Hakamo-o!
Archie's Aerial Ace dealt 36 dmg to Hakamo-o!
Koa's Mach Punch dealt 16 dmg to Hakamo-o!
Koa's STRONG Mach Punch dealt 20 dmg to Hakamo-o! KO!!
Sandstorm buffeted the party.

The Hakamo-o staggered backward and sank to the ground with a clattering of scales.

Gligar let out a low whistle. "Not everyone can say they've taken down an alpha that quick." She trained her eyes on the rocky hills to the west. "Don't celebrate too soon, though--somethin' tells me we've got more company yet."

Turn 4 - Enemy Phase

In the rocky hills to the west, Fraxure watched the action with great interest. It had been preparing to fight off its rivals... but now these newcomers had arrived, and taken down its rival so easily! Fraxure let out a shrill cry and charged down the hill, ready to prove its strength and drive them off!

Fraxure's Dragon Dance! +1 Atk & Spd!
Fraxure's STRONG Dragon Claw, boosted by Rivalry, dealt 27 dmg to Koa!

Fraxure gave a frustrated growl as its most powerful attack failed to KO. But it was just getting warmed up.

Fraxure's Crunch, boosted by Rivalry, dealt 14 dmg to Archie!
Fraxure's speed let it keep going!
Fraxure's Breaking Swipe dealt 5 dmg to Xoco and 10 dmg to Silver! -1 Atk!
Xoco's Hyper Cutter prevented Attack loss!
Sandstorm buffeted the party.

Enemies' actions work a little differently than players. They'll have a certain number of actions they can use each turn, and that number is higher for Elites. They can even use more actions when they have Speed stages!
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Xoco's eyes widened as Fraxure's Dragon Claw slashed across Koa's pelt... but the Electrike had been boosted up so thoroughly that he managed to pull through.

"Well, shoot--shows me right for thinking that'd be a knockout. Don't go takin' more of those without healing up, though."

Since Koa and Archie seemed to already have Oran Berries at the ready...
Xoco gave Silver an Oran Berry!
Xoco's Knock Off dealt 17 dmg to Fraxure! The Dragon Fang fell to the ground.
Xoco's U-Turn dealt 10 dmg to Fraxure! Gligar retreated to Rugged Ledge.

"I'll scout out ahead while you finish this one off!" the Gligar called out, waving a claw as she retreated deeper into the sandstorm.
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