A rock I did a while ago, which I kinda touched up yesterday. Still not happy with it :(
A Giraffe I made to test out a new program. That's the reason for the strange colors - I was doing it on a black background, so they seemed lighter at the time. XD No excuses for the stupid-lookingness of it, though. It always makes me think "alien" before "giraffe" for some reason.
This was my first scratch sprite. I think I did it... two years ago? I dunno. It really needs to be redone, so I'm kinda posting it as motivation to fix this stupid thing. XD
A Bidoof-Muk fusion. Just kinda threw it together one day.
A 5-minute lime. A friend told me to make them a sprite on MSN, so.. I made this real quick. :D I thought it turned out well for the amount of time I spent on it.
Made for another friend while being rushed, him adding a new thing after I finished each section. It was a progressive thing, it started out as just the little poorly-shaded pixel-man. XD
Well, one day the internet wasn't working, so I started making a frog. Then I realized that I don't have any clue how frog's legs look. So.. it turned out looking like this.
And.. that's all I have for now. Comments/Criticism?