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Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

[Ch01] Nova meets with Lucien
  • Stone slabs. Crisscrossing wires. The exoskeleton of a structure marching steadily toward completion. Nova stood on the outside of the construction site, watching those who were already there swing their tools around or maneuver materials to their destinations.

    It was a fairly basic operation. A far cry from the sorts of outposts and stations Nova was used to. And the sprawling fortresses that sprouted up after he had lost control. But perhaps that simplicity would be grounding in a way. If he could handle himself at a basic construction site, then he could hopefully keep steady in a skirmish. It wasn't like Nova knew the nature of what plagued Forlas. And he doubted answers would become all that apparent quickly.

    But this sort of operation would be tied with the people in charge here. Not to mention the large slabs and ceilings would offer some measure of a vantage point to take stock of things beyond Frontier Town.

    Nova took a steady breath. One step at a time. It wasn't like he had a job here, yet. Nova was here to meet Lucien. So, he sat down to wait patiently.
    Ch01 - Odette and Bellatrix return to the railway
  • Odette wasn’t sure what she was expecting when she wandered over to the construction site. Maybe something that would make her otherwise uneventful day a little more exciting. But all she got was the sight of a bunch of sweaty ‘mon toiling away at a half-finished set of buildings. She supposed if there was any group who would either have the most interesting things to say, or make her want to reconsider the concept of having ears, it was them.

    “So this is where we should have come in,” she muttered under her breath, eyeing the unfinished archways. It certainly would have beaten the walk her group had had to take.

    Ch01 - That strange creature... (Nip and nova)
  • Nip couldn't help but find Frontier Town strange. If Theran Village back on his home world had seemed alien, this was even more so, with larger groups of pokemon and quality of life advancements beyond what he'd seen. Devices that could create a painting in short order... Devices that could print stories en-masse... And then there was the great steel beast that carried pokemon in its belly. Or so he'd heard.

    A combination of curiosity and need to get a better lay of the town brought him to the construction site. He hadn't expected to find one of his team members here - though perhaps he shouldn't have been surprised.

    It was one of those strange, masked creatures that looked like Mother Mew had taken a bunch of pokemon and mashed them together. He didn't have a name for what they were, but after recent experiences in his home world, pokemon he was unfamiliar with put him on edge.

    Who are you? What are your intentions? He couldn't help but stare. Until he realized he'd been staring for an uncomfortably long time. Had the strange pokemon noticed?
    Ch02: A Familiar, Friendly Face
  • The aftermath of the Gala had become the talk of the town. Nobody could go three paces before they'd hear word of the offworlders, Sonora or the mayor.

    For the workers at the Grand Station, it was yet another day. A garganacl stood at the base of the stairs, arms firmly crossed, waiting for an update on the status of the rail. The worker who'd been sent should've been back by now, what was taking him so long?

    And, as luck would have it, a commotion began to ring out in the town. It moved quickly, heading right towards the station. The squawks of a pair of wild murkrow rang out, followed by the rapid flapping of wings. The source? A vigoroth wearing a construction vest they wore out east sprinted through the town, heedless of any obstacle or person causing enough of a fuss to distract the town from their talks of the Gala for just a moment.

    Jaak approached the garganacl, panting, with a thumbs-up. "Everythin' looks to be in order, though I think I gotta warn you about some logistic troubles up the line. You see–"

    Garganacl held up a large, blocky hand to stop Jaak in his tracks, pointing behind him.

    "Eh? Behind me? What's behind me?"
    [Ch02] Nova & Laura ~ Surely the other chimera's a cheerier fellow, right?
  • Another work day had come and gone. The fatigue was still present, but not nearly as bad as before. Nova was making strides... bizarrely fast. Much as the null wanted to chalk it up to his unique circumstances, simple manual labor alone shouldn't have account for this. And yet, he pulled a Double Hit out of nowhere, using it to knock pegs into place with way less effort than usually needed.

    More mysteries to pile on, Nova thought as he exited the construction site. Headache — Nova was still workshopping names for the mysterious voice. Things like Wireless and Fiber Optic were bound to fly over the heads of half the team, so they were already out. — did say something about a stronger connection through mystery dungeons. Did he dare risk venturing into one? Maybe Mhynt would join me. She's practically ex-military, too...
    Ch04: Dark Ambitions
  • By pure luck, Aige had followed the shadowy trails that spread and sprawled all throughout town. But amid all the paths and general directions, as Aige continued to float over the rapidly evaporating land, it was clear... that something had come this way.

    A once sprawling landscape was merely a fog that covered still-disappearing tracks. A single set of tracks, curiously enough... What could that mean? But it was better than nothing.

    Something was ahead, just past the buildings. There was ample cover to go unnoticed. The sun was rising. Natural shadows were long. And because the sun was behind Aige, that meant getting too close might alert whoever was there...

    To Aige's left and right were buildings and construction stations. Whatever was moving away was going against the early riser Pokemon, certainly against the grain of typical movement. How would Aige approach?
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