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New member
My name is Caleb, but everyone calls me Xaiaku (pronounced Zai-ah-koo), or X-kun. Would it be a bad idea to say I joined this forum for no good reason, and that I did it out of sheer boredom and nothing else? If so, inform me that it is and I shall produce a more legitimate reason immediately. Anyways, I like Art. Who doesn't right?

I prefer the art of Music above all else, but I will take the time to draw a picture or two. I don't have a "Favorite" genre of music, but I am partial to Horrorcore Rap, and groups such as Insane Clown Posse and Twiztid. However, on any given day you can find me listening to Metal, Country, Rap, or Trance, just depending on my mood.

The reason for being partial to Horrorcore Rap Music would be ultimately for my inspiration to become a Rap Artist. You see I'm already part of a musical group called Angel Devil Crosshairs, which I am more commonly known as GlaZZiZ (said like glasses, only spelled funny). You see, though, Angel Devil Crosshairs isn't all about rapping about death and killing people and stuff. It's all about the music. The first and Second CDs, that I created for the group before people became a part of it, have no lyrics, none whatsoever. It's all music and sounds, and for the most part, it's what we're all about.

I will say, I like to draw, and I do so often. Most of the time you'll find me sitting at my desk drawing, or making music on the computer, Writing is a common for me as well, as I write lyrics. I've only ever written one story, and refuse to write another. I haven't been asked by anyone to type this story, so I'll wait and see what happens with that.

Well, I guess that's it for me. Thanks for taking the time to read this introduction. To learn more about me, just ask me, I'm usually all the time on my computer.

Have Fun~
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