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New member
I am mostly here to investigate if the people of this forum are as rude as the people on the IRC. I don't understand how anybody could be that rude.
Yes, the people on the IRC are quite rude

Hello there.
I can assure you that whatever bad reputation the IRC may have given us does not reflect on the forum.


Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies, where people offer you Tea and Cod, and warn you about the carnivorous welcome mats.
To the left is the Anime-Style Battling, Mafia on the right, and the Roleplaying and Forum Games straight ahead.

I hope you enjoy your stay.

EDIT: This is apparently my 2000th post
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I am mostly here to investigate if the people of this forum are as rude as the people on the IRC. I don't understand how anybody could be that rude.

Please be aware that the forums in no way equals #tcod, and complaining about how you've been treated in IRC here is going to do absolutely nothing about it. tcodf is very loosely connected to #tcod (it's only connected in that a handful of people from here are also on #tcod), and #tcod is very, very informal.

Also, posting ASCII art for no reason is ... pretty rude in an IRC channel. I dunno if you were trying to troll or if you were genuinely just showing people ASCII art, but c+ping ASCII just floods the chat with random characters; it's rude. I can't speak for everyone in #tcod, but ... generally the chat's pretty friendly?

In any case, you'll probably enjoy your stay at tcodf; people are generally really nice here. :)

LegendarySeeker99 said:
Yes, the people on the IRC are quite rude

I can assure you that whatever bad reputation the IRC may have given us does not reflect on the forum.

eh? when has anyone in #tcod ever been rude to you (I hardly remember seeing you there)? it seems someone shares your IP and your IP has been banned; that's all.

EDIT: in future if you don't get why you've been banned, ask Zhorken (he's usually admin in there). people aren't banned 'just because'!
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