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So yeah I only made this account so I could get NegativeVibe's contact info, since he was more or less the only bro here, sadly his contact info is not available to the public and I kind of can't access my old PM box where he told me his email.

While I was here I decided to search my old username and I must admit it was kind of entertaining. Most of what I found was people wanting my Pokemon on ASB, which I found funny because my Pokemon were of the suck variety. The other results I got were Kam posting about me in the memories thread (Karkat Vantas was Kam right) and the subsequent responses.

Originally those responses ticked me off and I was going to write some big rant about you guys till I realized I had better things to do with my time and anyway nobody would read it so it would be a waste of my efforts. But since this account is defunct anyway since NegativeVibe has no contact info, I figured I might as well at least come on here and say that you guys are the most hilariously unknowingly hypocritical people I have ever seen.

And if you haven't figured out who I am yet just wait for a bright Oxford attendee or some jazz to come along and help you out.
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