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New member
Hello! So, after reading that extremely helpful writing guide, I was compelled to read the Quest for Legends, which brought me here.

So, you may call me Hashiro! 'Hashiro' is the given name of my Reshiram in Pokemon Black. That gigantic ball of flammable fluff is my favorite Pokemon; I love his design (I prefer that he is a 'male') and concept. I didn't think much of the Pokemon at first, however, Black and White surprised me with a unique plot, and I came to appreciate them. Indeed, its design has some... Oddities (crotch-fluff, why?! OTL) But I guess the reason I like him so much because his, and Zekrom's, background were interesting, and I have always been fascinated by the Yin-yang concept. There is something about the two of them that makes me feel that they're 'unique' from other legendaries. I like them both, but Reshiram is tops.

I love drawing, and have been doing so for as long as I can remember. However, I can only draw animals, and even then, canines are the easiest things I can draw. Humans are a definite no-no for me, although I am practicing. I've also taken a recent interest in spriting.

Aside from arts, I'm also training in Taekwondo. I've been recently promoted from white to yellow belt. Sports was never my thing, so my friends were shocked when they learned that I started martial arts, saying that badminton or volleyball was much easier, but I think otherwise.

I enjoy reading, and my eyes have suffered considerably from spending hours and hours of browsing FF.net. I have attempted writing, though I'm a total beginner at it. Being the perfectionist I am, I always (I mean ALWAYS) end up rewriting my work. Description and grammar is easy for me, but I have difficulties with dialogue (I have trouble thinking of alternatives for 'said') and character development. I am trying now, but my focus has been elsewhere.

I like Pokemon as a game (The anime is beginning to bore me...) I enjoy playing the PMD series, as well as the Pokemon Ranger series. As for anime/manga, I like Naruto, Ouran Highschool Host Club, and Kaichou wa Maid-sama.

...It's probably too long. Oh well.

I look forward to my time here. ^^
Hurrah, a literate member that doesn't mind writing/reading long text! We need more people like you.

I, personally, like Zekrom more! I've a thing with Electric- types. (I actually don't ever name my legendaries with nicknames, but that's somethin' else.)

! Yay, drawing. I just got myself a graphics tablet which I'm having so much fun with (in my signature there's a link to my art thread)! I suck at sports. Yes.

Reading is my thing. Everyone around me gets irritated with it, but whatever. I'm good at writing, buuut I'm not quite comfortable with it yet. Shame, because school depends on it. (Thesauruses are so useful. Said, replied, spoke these words etc.) Character development is a thing I am kinda okay at, though!

Never did like the anime myself. I have PMD Sky and hope to get Gates to Infinity soon!

I look forward to being friends here!

(Yes, this is a total mirror of your post, screw it...)
You remind me of me. Welcome. Take this complimentary box of things I've found in the TCoD attic.

And The Quest for Legends is really good, IMO. Did you like it?
Hey. I would give you psychedelic colours, but I'm too lazy to type up 7-10 different BBCodes. Yeah, just watch out for anything dangerous. So long as you do that you should be ok.
Thank you. ^^ I should go about posting as soon as I get back from this trip. I'm really busy at the moment, so I won't be active for now.

@Mewtini - Zekrom's awesome too, I guess I like white, fluffy dragons more. xD And, like you, I hope to get my hands on Gates to Infinity soon. <3

@Qvalador - I haven't read everything, but so far I am enjoying it. ^^

@LuckyLapras - Thank you. Dangerous? o-o Really?
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