• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?


Hey there. I'm Dr Frank, and usually I advice to newcomers on why they should not take cod or tea, followed by random Spanish rants. This time however, it'll be different. I won't give you warnings why you should avoid cod or tea (hint: it's poisoned) and I will follow up with Español. Yo soy un científico loco de tortuga.

Though, this place did help me out with my spelled and grammar a lot, considering it's the first place I really got to interact with foreigners in.

Please don't tell me you live in America. I literally interact with foreigners every time I so much sneeze onto the net. I doubt anybody uses the net in my country, except for me. And my brother. And my friend. I guess.
Um, hello. I've heard some interesting things about you but never having actually met you then I guess I can't pass judgement. c: I joined a year and a bit ago? I think, on the last incarnation of the forums.

Nice to meet you.
Please don't tell me you live in America. I literally interact with foreigners every time I so much sneeze onto the net. I doubt anybody uses the net in my country, except for me. And my brother. And my friend. I guess.

Oh no, I live in Bahrain. :P A place you probably never heard of, but we do have a lot of foreigners here. I was just too young to meet or actually have conversation with any. Wasn't in much of an international school.

When I say TCoD's the first place where I actually get to interact to foreigners, what I really mean is, it's the first place I've ever been to on the Internet. While I was on a desperate search for "Pokemon fans" on this awesome site called Google

Um, hello. I've heard some interesting things about you but never having actually met you then I guess I can't pass judgement. c:

well it's not like anyone here really can, since no one got to know me :P Nor met me obviously, I'm more of a real-life person anyway, forums' not the best place for me to express myself as freely as I want, unless it's Facebook maybe. Though not forums but whatever.
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