• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hi! ^_^


New member
Well, um, actually, I had an account on here a couple of years ago...but then I left. And I would totally be using that account, but I kinda forgot the username. And the password. And, uh, the email address I gave you. So...you may have seen me before, as another person, but I'm not quite sure who that person was.

Hi! I'm Ultimatum and I'm here to wish you a very merry deathnote Christmas. I am also called Aria and an array of other things, including but not limited to about half the words in the dictionary. : D I also respond to "Hey! You! Over there!".

I'm currently in the process of attempting to teach myself HTML and JavaScript and CSS. I have learned how to make pop ups. I do not feel that I have sufficiently annoyed my friends with this new knowledge. Yes, you can and will be classified as my friend and may or may not be subjected to pop-ups. Actually, I'll probably confine those to my signature. (Mwahahahaha).

I'm an avid reader and writer and yes I will define that word if you don't know what it means. I use lots of long words. I get annoyed when people stare blankly at me when I finish a rant because they have no idea what I said. You're welcome.

Anyway...I'm not really sure what else I'm supposed to- OH YEAH!!!

I love Pokemon. Pokemon is fun, and cool, and...stuff. : D I play the card game, and the video games, and I read the manga for a while too. I have most of the games, and I've beaten almost all of them.

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