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New member
i'm MAYH

stands for My Arms, Your Hearse which is from a Comus song and also the title of an Opeth album

i am from some country this is all you need (to know)
O HAY THAR and welcome to TCOD which is the place you get your cat plushies :D You're here for that right ;D I give cat plushies out and they are copyright to me. Yours happens to be brown.
^ Going for the simple welcomes ehh.

Well my cat plushies can last forever or they could rip to shreds in days. It depends on your memory. If you remember me and my cat plushies forever then the cat plushies last forever, if you forget in a day the cat plushies disappear in a day.
Well well well. It seems the cat plushie I gave you costs you some Windian Dollars. You will by the 1st of December have to hand out an amazing amount of $0.00 Windian Dollars.
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