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Hiya! =)


New member
I used to have an "epic" (quote!) introduction here before things went haywhire.. (sorry if that's misspelled).. ..so I'll go try if I can do that again =)

I'm a 22-year-old Belgian girl, loving Japan (language and culture), music, comic books, anything flashy, anything fluffy (preferably also flashy) and books. And Pizza. And lots of other funky things.

My favourite Pokémon is Vaporeon, because it's.. ..um.. ..pretty. And it's aquatic. Yeah.

I have red/yellow/gold/silver/emerald and pearl. I'm planning to buy at least one game in Japan, in Japanese. When I go there, some day.. I haven't played in a while, since I've taken up Japanese studies (both the language and the culture) and it's murder, really..
But I love it so much..

My RED game needs only a couple more Pokémon to complete the 'Dex, so I'll be working on that first. Just to see what happens. Then I'll be transferring all my Pokémon to another cartridge.. ..so I can start over and do the MEW trick ;)

I guess that makes Mew my second-favourite Pokémon.

Ummmmm.. anything else you want to know? Feel free to ask =) I don't bite (hard)..

Xx Raika

EDIT: since almost everyone here has dragons.. ..these are mine:

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Thank you (^______^)

I'm not too familiar with the "newer" Pokémon.. (it got a little too much after 251..)
Well, my favorite of the first 251 is Scyther, my second favorite overall. Really, there aren't too many of the later groups worthwhile to remember... just remember this: In Emerald, catch a Trapinch in the desert and train it until it evolves twice... you won't be disappointed ^^
Hey! Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies! I'm new here, too. What's your favorite starter out of all of them so far? Mine is Cyndaquil. It's so CUTE! =3
Hey! Welcome! TCoD is a great place, but you'll have to get use to people talking about pokemon after 251. Knowing 100 of them is good enough.
Yeah, DP and RSE are well known...

Welcome to TCOD. Have a cat plushie...

My favourite starter? I think I'll go for.. ..Charmander, really!

Woah a cat-plush!! ..can I screenshot it and put it in my siggy? (with, of course, mention of the giver ;) )
Yeah, I guess...I didn't make it but I can't remember who did, I found this stored on my computer. I did make some changes after finding it however.
Hmm maybe I better don't then..

And as for the 251+ Pokémon names.. ..thanks to the "gotta spell 'em all" page on TCoD, those won't be a problem for me to learn either =) (that, and playing the games more often, I guess)
I like to RP, from time to time.. so I'd rather not participate in epic (looong) roleplays..

And you can call me Raika or just Rai =)

hee hee thanks! It's actually part of a horse's name: Bandaraika. I googled it once (long time after I took the nickname all over the internet), and apparently there used to be a Japanese female boxer with that name. Funky. But so now, if you find a "Raika" (or "Raika0072002") on a forum/site, chances are it's me.
Nice. I see you have joined dragoncave.

I suggest posting them at Dragoncavefansite or Dailydragonfix if they're near dieing or something. I don't think Dragoncavefansite is working right now :(
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