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Heh, good to be here, I thinks. Apparently I've been a member before (But I haven't the foggiest on why or when, exactly,), but still...couldn't hurt to make a comeback...right?
Hello sir, my name is Mehwmew, i am a reformed rebel on these forums :) slowly learning to be good. , *hands tea and cod* cod policy is dont eat if no like, Momo says' if you say the wrong shit, people bite' :3 whatnot. Fun fun. 7. <3 yay
*Darts for the nearest fox-hole, tails ruffled* Niiiiiiii~ Good *Huff* tah meetcha! *Huffs as I dive in*
Would you happen to be a Warriors fan? (the book series by Erin Hunter)

Anyways, hi, I'm Mewtwo.
Huh, I'm somewhat late... meh.

Hello; bonjour; ciao; Γεια σας; こんにちは; kumusta; hola; hallo; hei; 餵; hej; merhaba; xin chào; "derkenshnob"; ellohay; and "hello" in all other languages which I have yet to translate.

Nice to meetcha, I'm Skroy.
*Peers out from mine hiding place* Ah, good to meetcha. And alas, no, I haven't read that series. I have, however, read a host of others that are probably much older.
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