• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



New member
Hi, I'm mistermephisto. I saw this site a month or two ago, I'm kinda surprise I just joined now.

So hi, and stuff. (Kinda awkward introducing myself to people I've never met before. XD)
Hi, mistermephisto.

Hi. I just joined this month. (It is awkward) I like spriting, and run a sprite shop here. There's a link to it in my sig.

Soo... hello! TCoD rocks!
You'll get to know people better in no time :)

Have a cat plushie, it's my service. It also seems to be the only one still running :( I feel lonely.

Welcome, welcome. Mephisto... I'll just call you Mephisto. I do love Mephistopheles.

Have you played Diablo II? :O Anyways, welcome and enjoy your stay. Or... try to anyway. You might need this. /me gives Suit of Sanity (Random Resistance +30)
Except from me...SOB.

Anyway i'm going to give you something special, a Darkarmour badge. Look after it well.
This IS special, you're the first (and possibly last) person to get it, welcome to our forums.

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