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I'm a Pokemon-hacker. Just a warning for hack-haters.


New member
As said in the title, I am a Pokemon hacker. I create Pokemon games by editing roms. Also, I have a question for you Butterfree (or dragonfree), In my Pokemon hack, there is a shadow Groudon and shadow Kyogre. So I couldn't help but notice your shadow Groudon and Kyogre sprites. I read your sprite rules and understood 50% of it. So just clarifying, am I allowed to use those two sprites as long as I give credit? So, back to the intro. I am a Pokemon fanatic, average hacker, and I'm pretty darn good at recoloring sprites. Just not as good as Butterfree/Dragonfree here. If anyone wants me to do a sprite recolor, I'm taking requests. Not to brag but I'm pretty well Pokemon educated. Even my Pokemon-loving friends don't know as much as I do. If anyone is wondering what my hack is about, Briefly it goes like this. "Back in Emerald's time line, Groudon and Kyogre had an epic fight in Sootopolis. Brendan went to Rayquaza for help but he was already captured by Team Rocket. Nothing could stop the fight now. Hoenn was utterly destroyed." This game takes place 100 years later, Hoenn is being rebuilt or repopulated or however you say it. The south side of the region suffers horrible floods and storms while the north side suffers terrible droughts and dryness. So thats how it is. Wow this is probably the longest intro ever huh? I think I ranted too much. Oh well thats just me. So! I look forward to enjoying these awesome forums!
...hi, but nobody here has anything against rom "hacking" and anybody who does it stupid.

how are you tonight?
Nice to meet you. You're probably better off sending a PM or Emailing Butterfree though because she might miss your post.
what timezone would you be in?

i usually stay up rather late anyway. like, early-mid morning sometimes.

yeah just another heads up, people don't particularly appreciate pokemon hacking, like hacking a pokemon (with an AR or something). it's looked down upon in most pokemon places. i don't even really consider 'hacking' a rom as hacking because it's just editing a rom, and it's not like you can cheat with it.

i know i just repeated myself in a more fancy way.
Sweet! I can finally share my game with people! Oh, just to let you know, you can actually cheat with it. Like setting Mew to be found in Littleroot, Masterball items everywhere, etc. I don't do that though, I'm just sayi\ing it is possible.
:huh: W e l l, interesting opening... :grin:Hi *waves*... I have no idea what-so-ever about rom hacking..., but all, or most, hackers are welcomed:sweatdrop:
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