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I don't know what to put here.
Before I start this, I just have to let you know one thing: I don't have my copy of Pokémon Black yet. I had messed up the release dates of B/W and the 3DS and therefore I wasted all of my money on Super Nintendo games and now I can't afford it. How sad. :( (EDIT: lol that was a good time to realize that I actually had enough money for it and then buy it)

Okay, enough of that, let's get on to the re-introduction. I'm much more of a video game nerd than when you last saw me; I've bought a Super Nintendo, a Genesis, and my sister's bought a Game Boy Pocket (playing Gold on that thing was excellent). I don't really know why, maybe because newer games cost too much, maybe because you can buy a console for the price of a newer game, and a handheld for the cost of an older game, or maybe because they all hold a big legacy (even random games like Baseball for the NES).

Enough about video games; let's talk about other stuff. I've really gotten into ROM hacking since you last saw me (okay, that's still about video games, but with me that's really all I can talk about). Mostly Super Mario World, though I do have some experience with NSMB. I also TAS SMW ROM hacks (see the YouTube channel link that I'm gonna put in my signature if you want to see them).

So yeah, guess I'll enjoy some tea and cod now... if that's still going on. I dunno. <_<

EDIT: Also, another thing to point out, I AM NOT INTERESTED IN MINECRAFT. I have no clue how it suddenly got so popular, but I am not interested. (partially because I can't afford Beta so I'm stuck with Classic and partly because Garry's Mod is a much better sandbox game in my opinion)
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