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I'm mewfairy! Yay!


New member
Hi! I'm mewfairy, and I tend to post long, sort of rambling posts. Some of the time it is okay to stop reading my post partway through, but most of the time I think I am pretty interesting and my posts are worth reading. I think I was well known in the mew's hangout forums, or at least untill I broke my account:sad:. The last avatar I had was a blue camerupt getting mad at a line. one time, not to far before I broke my account, I made a thread that asked, "what is your favorite pokemon?" which probably still has people posting in it from time to time. See how I ramble on and on? And most of that was unimportant unless you wondered what happened on that other forum. you can stop reading now, beacause I don't think I have much more to say...
That was... Interesting. Welcome. I think that you might want to check out the RP section at the bottom of the Forum home. I can see you like typing.
Welcome Mewfairy. I tend to ramble on about random stuff as well :D You can have a cat plushie that you can talk to or type to. It can answer back!
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