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New member
Hi....I'm Pikatrainer....at least it's my forum name,my name for real is Rodrigo.:grin:

Judging by the forum name I choose,I think you understood who my favorite pokemon are.I like the Pikachu Evolutionary famly the most-in other words,Pichu,Pikachu,and Raichu.I like to rp,too,but I rarely see a good Pokemon RP on the net.Most of them are too complicated to join.

I am going to get a Pokemon Battle Revolution for the Wii on my Birthday,June the first.

So,that's it!I hope I can make many friends here!:grin:
My sis's b-day is June 4th =D

I used to have PBR, but it was a rent. It was kinda boring, anyways. SSBB is more fun; gettt ittttt insteadddd...
Hello and welcome. I have PBR and have had it since about when it first came out. It is kind of fun, but I get bored of it rather quickly. It is fun to battle online. I will have to agree with Mewtwo on Brawl. Even so, if you have wifi it would be fun to have a battle.

Anyways, I hope you have lots of fun here.
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