• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Is this how you get rid of the annoying header?


Thee Prophet of Bubbletea
Well, when I made this account thing, I got this header that said:

"Okay, so you've registered and read the rules. Great! So to get rid of this annoying header (it's the last one, I promise!), why don't you go post somewhere, perhaps starting with introducing yourself?"

So here I am, introducing myself. Hi, I'm Aurora! And I hope the "annoying" header goes away once I'm done posting. :grin:
Welcome, I haven't checked around here for AGES :O

Yeah, the header goes away after this thread was made so you can relax now *chills*

I like the word Aurora *says over and over and over...*
Yeah, you're right, the headed did go away.

And I thought of the word aurora when I was thinking of something to go with the word "suicune"
Holy crud you have a Magical Doremi (or Ojamajo Doremi but whatever) avi. ^^

Hi, I'm Flora. Enjoy your stay! ♥
Wow, someone that ACTUALLY knows what Ojamajo Doremi is :talking:

I didn't make the avatar, I got it off of Royal Patraine.
Hi, I'm Mewtwo, I was compelled to join these forums after I read the news post that said "The Forums Have Been Rebooted" or something like that. Now I love it here. WHoops, lunchtime, ciao!(because I am at school lolololol)
Hi, i'm Darkarmour. You most likely won't see me soon as i'm grounded. But I like making friends and post pretty much everywhere, which probably means you'll be bumping into me sometime.
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