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Frontier Town Jailhouse

Ch03: How to Train Your Drapion [Koa & Drapion]
  • Koa slowly made his way to Frontier Town's rather small jail, his steps dragging. Every time he stepped a little too wrong, he felt a dull ache across his body. His stomach was already churning at the idea of what he was about to do, but it felt too late to stop. Despite his fear and anger he felt instictually responsible for Drapion. He had to try and check on it, see if it could be helped.

    Steeling himself, he stepped into the small office, glancing around. He spotted a Watchhog standing by the jail entrance. "Excuse me," he said, hoping he sounded both pleasant and polite. "There was a Drapion brought here a short time ago, that I need to visit."
    Ch04: Jailbreak
  • Another day at the jail and its cold monotony. With the Wayfarers recovering and only a few scattered visits, the cells were lonely and surprisingly quiet behind those iron bars and stone walls.

    One early morning, after the guards distributed breakfast, a sudden THUD punctuated that silence. It could have been something falling. It could have been someone being attacked. But a single blow? That would be a surprise.

    Step, step, step... Something was coming closer. Shadows creeping into the halls, pulling air from the room and condensing it like a thick syrup. Movement and breathing were suddenly laborious, but it was all ethereal. Something powerful and twisted had come into the jail and made no effort to hide it.

    A black fog crept into the former mayor's cell. He had no way to escape it, so hopelessly confined. When it touched him, he heard a voice.

    An injustice was forced upon you. Disgraced and helpless, you sit here, day by day, as the world moves on without you.

    Covering his ears, holding his breath, none of that would stop this reverberating presence from invading his mind—telepathy, yet somehow even more forceful, hammering into his skull.

    Then came a question. Do you want to change that? Do you want to reverse what had been done... and rule once more?
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