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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Legend Pack *OPEN* (Please sign up!)

Super Sugar

New member
Fog covered the barren landscape. Stunted trees dotted the moors. A whole forest of decidous trees, as well as coniferous. A few sullen mice and squirrels scampered around. Deer raised their heads, bored and tired. No more predators. No more danger. No more excitement. No more terror. Just....... Bleh. The wolves were gone. Hunted to extinction. Illegal hunting. That's it. That's all that's to it. Such a boring place. Though protected, many people broke the law. Now there was no more beauty to the once exciting landscape. Wolves had used to decorate the valley, bringing wealth and happiness and courage to the land. But no more... NO MORE WOLVES!!!

They had held the power of keeping their habitat safe, beautiful, and energetic. But no more, no more wolves. The wolves were special. They were extremely wonderful creatures, and they kept the place absolutely perfect. And yet, cruel hunters trapped them, greedy for their powers. But once taken away from their magical haven, the magical wolves... They faded away!

Now, the dreary place, once so beautiful, is gone... Gone with the wolves! But now, the wolves have come back! And the place shall be beautiful once more! Shall you join? Will you help recover what it lost? And maybe even bring back a forgotten legend... A myth for childrens' bed time stories.... The guardians and friends of all.... The amazing creature who was the healthy, strong, agile companion of the wolf.... And disappeared with them.... THE DRAGONS???

SO COME!!!! Come, dear wolf, and bring back the wonder of the land, and your honest best friends, the dragons. Come. The only thing you must do, is fill out this form right here. 8D *points* Copy and paste please!



ALPHA FEMALE: Willowsong

HUNTERS: (Hunters are wolves that excel at hunting. They aren't as skilled in fighting. Alphas, Betas, and Deltas excel in both hunting and fighting.)

FIGHTERS: (Fighters are wolves that excel at fighting. They aren't as skilled at hunting though. Alphas, Betas, and Deltas excel in both hunting and fighting.)

QUEENS: (Queens are she-wolves that are pregnant, or are nursing pups.)

PUPS: (Pups are baby wolves who have not matured yet. Before becoming fully fledged members, they must be tested when they are approximately one year old to see if they are suited to being a Hunter or a Fighter.)

ELDERS: (Elders are wise, old wolves who have retired and simply rest and tell many stories and legends of the old days. A.K.A., their time.)

You may have up to three wolves. If one of your wolves has pups, you may offer to give away your pup to another person so they may play your pup. If no one wants it, ask me for an exception so you can play more than three wolves, or make up a sad story. :unsure: I'll allow very few exceptions, to make it fairer to other people, and to put less work on your shoulders so you don't have to control so many wolves. =P First come first serve for the High Ranks! (Alphas, Betas, and Deltas) You may start out as any rank unless you'd like to be a High Rank and all of those spots are taken. HAVE FUN!!!
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OOC: These are my wolves!

NAME: Dragoon
AGE: 10
RANK: Alpha Male
DESCRIPTION: Strong, healthy, headstrong male who is an excellent fighter. Dragoon used to be a Fighter, but become eventually become Delta and moved up the ranks after Betas and Alphas died or retired. Dragoon dreams of being the one who brings backs the dragons! He's a handsome, wonderful wolf, and always puts Legend Pack before himself. He's tawny, with a golden head, and a white chest. He has black paws, and has liquid caramel eyes. He has a scar over his right eye.
PERSONALITY: Bright, brave, courageous, and stubborn, Dragoon is a very good Alpha, but sometimes he is a little stubborn.
MATE: Willowsong

NAME: Willowsong
GENDER: Female
AGE: 9
RANK: Alpha Female
DESCRIPTION: Beautiful, feathery fur covers Willowsong's slim, agile body. She has light gray fur, with snow white splotches covering her body. Willowsong has bright golden eyes.
PERSONALITY: She's sweet, gentle, and caring, and loves her mate more than anything else in the world. Willowsong is an excellent Alpha Female, and balance her mate's bravery and hotness with her cool, sweet, honest opinions.
MATE: Dragoon
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