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Frontier Town Nocwell's General Goods


Well-known member
Heartache staff
There was no place simultaneously so organized and so chaotic as the Nocwell's General Goods & Wonders Mercantile Emporium. 'Course, most folk just shortened it to "Nocwell's". Every counter brimmed with trinkets and doodads neatly sectioned by color and type. The wooden tops and shelves had a glistening polish despite how overfilled they were, and there was even some classy decor stuffed in whatever space was available.

The scent of alcohol, oil, fabric, wood, grain, ceramic and even soap concocted a dissonant olfactory chord that wafted throughout the store. A circle of differently sized chairs and cushions sat dead center in front a coffee table baring the markings of its previous patrons: scratches, playing cards, used ash trays, candy wrappers, and a few whiskey stains. Light dimly poured through the small windows just shy above the towering shelves of goods. Colorful signs, labels, and tonics made a wonderland out an otherwise dreary place.

Newcomers would be greeted by an eager Minccino dusting the shelves and serving up smiles. She'd gleefully advertise the bounty of imported dungeon goods from wonder orbs to staves to tools imported from all across the lands — and the price to match such a bounty of treasures.

A regular, however, might spot the various ceramic jars dotted throughout the store that changed positions daily. From time to time, Mr. Polteageist Nocwell himself would emerge from one of them to grease up vendors and strike some longer-term agreements from the locals. Otherwise, he stayed nice and hidden and jumped from jar to jar to keep surveillance.

The locals knew that was just how the Polteageist operated. He only trusted the most loyal or heroic of 'mon, enjoyed counting bills after hours, and drowned himself in alcohol after late night "outings". He was kind enough to let Minccino Minako work the register, but not enough to give her anything but a morale raise despite her tenure. A businessman through and through.

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[Ch03] A wild(???) Purple appears
If Leaf hadn't been busy running errands, she might've had some room in her thoughts for frustration. She might've been annoyed that she still couldn't decide what to make of that other mewtwo, or how he'd really gotten here, or what he even needed these poké balls for. She might've been kicking herself for testing out the poké ball that night, because otherwise she would've heard the calls for help when that drapion attacked the Haus. She might've been able to hear that nagging voice saying "They managed without you. All you would've accomplished by being there was getting hurt right alongside them.", which, if she had been thinking about it enough to argue, was not the point, because if more people had been there to help them then they would've gotten less hurt, god, wasn't that obvious.

But she wasn't thinking about those things, because there was a lot of stuff to do before their work with the rangers really picked up and so she was busy, so there. Specifically she was busy double-checking the supplies she'd picked up at Nocwell's, making sure she'd have enough for when they finally trekked north to the HQ proper. Once she was satisfied that she'd picked out the correct orbs—she still wasn't great at telling them apart without the labels, but the minccino at the counter was really helpful—she waved goodbye and made her way back out to the street. There were still a few more stops on her list before the errands were all done and she might have to start thinking again.
Hop, hop, hop. And once again, on a happenstance crossing of paths, Leaf would hear the characteristic sound of a Nidoran hopping along the streets and heading in and out of storefronts to make various purchases...

But this time, perhaps recognizing her scent or some other subtlety, he stopped and turned around before hopping around the corner to meet her. Happily, he approached... though he slowed down and tilted his head once he got closer.

It seemed he could sense that something was bothering her...
Maybe she shouldn't've been surprised to run into Nidoran. He was popping up all over the place these days; why not back in town, running more mysterious errands of his own? Maybe his friend had run out of rocks.

She gave her head a good shake. Not because she needed to clear her thoughts or whatever, because she wasn't thinking about anything that required not thinking about, but because, uh, why not? "Hi, Nidoran! Or, uh. Do you like 'Purple' better?" she asked, remembering what Razael had called him. Although Ayda had also called him 'Spike', so. Hm. "What are you doing today? More helping?" She gave him a quick once-over, wondering if he was carrying his usual bag or anything else interesting.
He was indeed carrying a bag of strange materials as usual. One would assume he was going on some major expedition with how much he tended to buy, but this time, it seemed like he was going out of his way to get various knickknacks, no single thing holding a particular purpose.

He nodded happily, ears twitching like radar before settling into a neutral position again.

He tilted his head again, looking inquisitive. Perhaps he meant, 'and you?'
"Me? Oh, the same thing, actually! Shopping, picking up some things for some of the other Wayfarers—that's me and my teammates now, you know. We're going to go see Ayda and Razael again soon." She wondered if he actually recognized their names. "Maybe we'll see you there, too, if you're visiting the rangers then!

"Do you want to go together for a bit?" she asked, smiling. "I can help you with what you need to get—" if nothing else, based on the junk-drawer–like contents of his bag, whichever stops he had left would definitely be interesting "—and you can help me pick out some things, if you want." (He might or might not actually be able to help tell orbs apart or anything like that, but hopefully they'd both appreciate the company, right?)
Purple smiled in response, clearly approving. He hopped behind Leaf and thumped his feet on the ground, signaling that she could follow him. He pulled out a small parchment that showed the remaining items they had to look for. There were only two items left. The first was to get a few more rare berries for something, and another was to look for a Moon Stone, though those were quite rare in this part...
A moon stone? Wow. Her guess about running out of rocks hadn't been far off. Was it for him, once he'd evolved into a nidorino? Hard to imagine this little guy as a big, hulking nidoking. He'd need a bigger bag, for one thing.

(...evolving, huh. Beetle had mentioned that they couldn't safely recreate fully-evolved bodies. Some of the Wayfarers who'd always been pokémon would be brought back to their first stages. But they'd get back to the way they were eventually, right? And maybe the rest of them would evolve, too. What would that feel like? Just imagine being a rapidash: sharper horn, stronger, faster, faster even than this... taller, too. Taller would be pretty nice.)

Leaf gestured toward the shop run by the graveler, the one she and Isidora and Ghaspius had accompanied Purple to the last time. Seemed as good a place to start as any when you were looking for stones. "Have you shown the graveler your list? We can check there, if that helps."
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Purple nodded but then had a slightly disappointed expression. It seemed that last he'd checked, a Moon Stone was not in stock. Perhaps it was very rare...

Something occurred to Purple. He dug through his bag again and produced a familiar 'panic button' from before and tilted his head, wondering if Leaf had ever needed to use the one he'd given.
Leaf sighed as Purple shook his head. Dang. Wasn't gonna be that easy after all. Maybe there was some other place around town that'd have one, or at least leads on where to find one? She glanced around the square, hoping to spot a... like, a jeweler, or maybe someone who knew where to dig them up or something.

When she looked back at the nidoran, though, he was holding... the trouble button? How'd he gotten his paws on that? (More teleporting?) She took a second to fish through her bag, but the button was still tucked safe in the same pocket she'd left it in. So there was more than one?

"I still have the one you gave us," she said, levitating the button out of the pocket carefully to show him. It looked like he was curious whether she'd pressed it... so it probably wasn't setting off any magical alarm bells in his head, at least. "Haven't pressed it yet, no. There hasn't been any..."

Well that wasn't even a little bit true, was it. A shadow drapion had ripped up like half the Haus and mauled a bunch of Wayfarers. That probably qualified as "trouble". Probably would've been a good time to press it. If she'd been there to help.

"...some people did get hurt," she corrected herself, "but they're okay." (Hopefully.) "But if it happens again, we will press it. I appreciate the help!" She still had absolutely no clue what the thing would even do, but... it'd do something. Being there to do something was always, always better than nothing.
Most of how Purple felt could be seen in his eyes and countenance. When Leaf spoke of people getting hurt, he seemed openly concerned, and when she explained they were okay, that eased up. Not a single word, and yet somehow, Leaf could get an idea of what he was 'saying.' At least, in a vague sense; there didn't seem to be a special connection they shared or anything.

Purple thumped his feet again and hopped along. He seemed more focused on the rare berry shop instead and his bag jangled with coins...
"Aww..." God, but this kid was sweet. It was kinda nice to see that honest look of soft concern on someone's face, as opposed to just... mostly just stress, lately. "Thank you," she said, smiling at him. "We'll be okay. Especially with you looking out for us."

It seemed like he'd lost interest in the moon stone for now. Maybe she could look into other ways to find one later. Hadn't she heard that some of the Wayfarers worked at a mine or something? They might have an idea. For now, though... "Right! Berries, then. Why don't you lead the way, Purple?" She gave him a nod and prepared to head off to his next stop.
Grace was still settling back in with the team, but she wasn't about to let a little shyness get to her. All she had to do was make her voice loud and proud— and surely they'd notice her then, right?

Maybe it was too late. Maybe she wasn't needed.

Grace glared at the ground as the instruive thoughts tried to slip in again. She was better than that, damnit! She would find her place here, even if it just took time.

A familiar Pontya got her attention, and Grace smiled. That was Leaf, right? Leaf was nice! But who was that...?

Before she could ponder further, she was already inserting herself into the scene.

"Leaf, hi!" she chirped, waving a little arm. "It's Grace, it's been a while! What are you and your friend up to?" and for added measure, she smiled and waved at Nidoran.
They'd only just taken a few steps when Leaf stopped again. Was that... "Oh, Grace! Hi! Long time no see!" Long time, no kidding. What'd it been, like, weeks? But she seemed to be doing okay—a lot more okay than a lot of the others, that was for sure—so that was good. "I'm just running some errands, getting ready for some extra work some of us're gonna be doing soon. This is Purple! He has some things to do, too, so we're keeping each other company. He doesn't talk, but he's very helpful. Purple," she added, turning to the nidoran, "this is Grace! She's another one of the Wayfarers. I met her back in Little Scriven." Did he know where that was? Oh, well.

She turned back to the togepi and smiled. "We were just going to pick out some berries Purple needs. You can come with, if you want. I can give you another ride if you need it!"
"I'll do my best to keep up for now," Grace smiled, politely declining the ride for the time being. "It's good to get excercise in. Ah, and berries? I was good at collecting those for eating back home, maybe I can be of help there?" but her question was directed at Purple. She didn't want to intrude any more than she had if he didn't want extra company along.
Purple smiled at Grace and nodded. Instantly, Grace would have the impression that this Nidoran was a friendly one, and that he was happy to be there, helping with some errands and having company along with it. Grace knew innately that Purple would appreciate the help with her expertise.
"If you change your mind, lemme know," Leaf said, shrugging. The berry place wasn't too far from here, at least, so it shouldn't be too bad a walk. Not like the stairs on stairs on stairs back in Little Scriven.

"So, what kinds of berries do you need? Can I see the list again?" she asked Purple. Hopefully nothing as difficult to find as a moon stone apparently was. What did his friend need all this stuff for?
"Oh, he doesn't talk?" that was to Leaf. "As long as I know what berries you're after, Purple, I should be able to spot them!" she chirped, also eager to see the list.

That is, as long as this world didn't have newly exoctic berries she hadn't heard of before, but so far, the ones she'd seen and heard of were all very similar to the ones back home. It was interesting how the plant life seemed similar across worlds...
Purple nodded at Grace with an apologetic smile. However, despite not talking, Grace seemed to have a good idea what he was trying to say...

It seemed like there was a need for an array of berries that helped Pokemon resist types that were effective against them. Kasib, Haban, Colbur... They were all quite rare and difficult to procure for how specific their needs were. But why would he need so many different berries?

After handing the list over to Leaf, he turned and surveyed the streets. It seemed he aimlessly wandered until he found a shop that matched the description, and had no idea himself of where to go...
Grace wasn't fully sure herself, but hopefully they could manage just fine. As long as something looked like a berry stall or store, that should be one, right?

"It's okay if you can't talk, Purple, I can understand you fine," she said quickly. Then she pointed up at her pink bow. "Though, maybe you should get a hat or something so nobody mistakes you as a wild feral by accident...?"

Then she glanced at Leaf, giving her a friendly smile. "I hope you've been doing alright-- Dave gave me a very brief rundown over a drink, and I've picked up on pieces here and there... I just need the finer details and I'll be all caught up I think."
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