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Frontier Town Nocwell's General Goods

[Ch03] A wild(???) Purple appears
  • If Leaf hadn't been busy running errands, she might've had some room in her thoughts for frustration. She might've been annoyed that she still couldn't decide what to make of that other mewtwo, or how he'd really gotten here, or what he even needed these poké balls for. She might've been kicking herself for testing out the poké ball that night, because otherwise she would've heard the calls for help when that drapion attacked the Haus. She might've been able to hear that nagging voice saying "They managed without you. All you would've accomplished by being there was getting hurt right alongside them.", which, if she had been thinking about it enough to argue, was not the point, because if more people had been there to help them then they would've gotten less hurt, god, wasn't that obvious.

    But she wasn't thinking about those things, because there was a lot of stuff to do before their work with the rangers really picked up and so she was busy, so there. Specifically she was busy double-checking the supplies she'd picked up at Nocwell's, making sure she'd have enough for when they finally trekked north to the HQ proper. Once she was satisfied that she'd picked out the correct orbs—she still wasn't great at telling them apart without the labels, but the minccino at the counter was really helpful—she waved goodbye and made her way back out to the street. There were still a few more stops on her list before the errands were all done and she might have to start thinking again.
    [Ch04] - Full Moon Fallout - Part 1 (Wes and Steven)
  • Steven slowly browsed the over-filled shelves at Nocwell's, half looking for something, and half doing so out of a desire to distract himself from whatever last night was... all of last night. The Wolf-- no, Seth-- Shadows, Cipher, Powehi.

    He'd woken up feeling less than rested, still scuffed and scraped from the events of the outskirts encounter. His claws grated at the joints from the dust and grime still coating his body. Their edges felt dull, like he'd tried to gouge his way through an entire rock wall. Oh wait. He had. Thankfully, there'd been a dead body to draw attention away from the frenzied claw marks at the back of the alcove he'd hid in like a coward. Still didn't stop him from crushing the foot of the bed in his sleep last night. (A hastily-shoved pillow served as the only means to hide the evidence.)

    No, no. Steven shook his head. This is why he was here at the store. To stop dwelling on things like this. His eye drifted to a section of the shop that hopefully held some polishing supplies, and maybe a decent honing stone if he was lucky...

    He was just tilting up to get a good look at something on a higher shelf when the door of the shop opened with a cheerful bell-chime. Curiosity demanded he take a quick glance at who'd come in.
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    Ch04: Cats & Dogs (Koa & Felin)
  • Koa stifled a yawn as he entered the store, wrinkling his nose at all the scents. He wasn't overly fond of the smell of the store, but it was useful. As he wandered inside, he mentally reviewed the list of supplies he planned to collect for traveling, and for his project. Something to focus on. Berries, orbs...

    A flash of green caught his eye. Peering around a shelf he spotted a familiar shape of a feline. Wait, what was her name? Beeline? Fiona? No... Definitely an f though, and it was on the tip of his tongue... "...Heyyy," he called, giving up after realizing he'd probably stared too long. She'd been a good teammate in their few times fighting together. "Stocking up?" he asked amiably, searching for a good topic not fraught with stress.
    [Ch06] Material Meetup
  • Nova slowly padded down an aisle of Nocwell's Store, eyeing the healing berries sitting on the metallic racks. Water droplets dribbled down some of the orans. Someone must've given them a quick wash recently. He paused and lifted a chitinous foreleg. The chimera sent a spark of radiance racing down his gold chitin.

    Would it really work?

    He'd pushed radiance into a blast seed once before and it clearly had an effect on the Shadow Machine. But blast seed shells were firmer than orans. What if the radiance just... splattered the oran berry? Not to mention, drawing on radiance while in the Quarry would be a big risk against hordes of shadows.

    Sighing, Nova paced between the orans and sitrus berries. What to do? What to do?
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