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Not really an intro, but read anyway.

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onion witch
So I got my second infraction in a year. If you're a moderator and are reading this, just know that I'm sorry. I'm generally an ignorant person, but do know that I try very hard to stay on track. So if someday I get kicked and you're reading this, I'm sorry. I try so hard, and I think that if I do get the boot, it'll be from a bunch of small infractions. I'm not someone who flames and tries to make forums miserable for everyone.

I really try.

Until next time, the one and only.
I'm going to try to be nice about this.

You keep getting infractions because you're spamming. Especially the ASB forum, when ASB is closed entirely.

The solution is not to spam the forum even more with pointless apologies like this. The solution is to stop freaking spamming and post like a normal human being. Otherwise you are going to get banned.

And for the record, randomness is not funny.

Say it with me.

Randomness is not fucking funny.

Thank you.
So I got my second infraction in a year. If you're a moderator and are reading this, just know that I'm sorry. I'm generally an ignorant person, but do know that I try very hard to stay on track. So if someday I get kicked and you're reading this, I'm sorry. I try so hard, and I think that if I do get the boot, it'll be from a bunch of small infractions. I'm not someone who flames and tries to make forums miserable for everyone.

I really try.

Until next time, the one and only.
No, you have ten active infraction points and a warning from months ago. You need fifty to get banned. This is hardly a cause for concern! Lots of other people have way more infractions, and the infraction you have expires at the end of the month! You seem to be making a much bigger deal out of this than it actually is.

In any case, if you have a problem with any infractions you've received, please don't make threads about it; it's much easier for you to PM any of the moderators who can actually do something about it.

Sunflower, that wasn't really necessary.
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