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New member
I'm K-NiGhT. I just joined...10 minutes ago? It feels like that process took forever.

Funny story about that actually, i went through and read all the forum rules and still couldn't post! Unfortunately, i didn't see the click here at the bottom to activate my account...lol.

But enough about that, on to me. This is the...4th forum i've registered for? The other three are Neoseeker, Ninsheetmusic, and Pokemon Online. I'm the most active on NinSheetMusic though, because there's a lot of cool members there, and it's a great community. I'd reccomend it to anyone, even if you don't have any musical experience.

(Right, getting off track again...sorry!)

Anyway...about me...hm. Well, i'm 16, a sophomore in high school. I'm extremely active in school activities, so i don't really have a whole lot of time to devote to forums like this, but i do what i can. Also, a lot of the time i'm on my ipod touch so my capitalization goes to pot. You can definately tell when i'm on a pc versus my ipod.

(wow i keep getting off-track...)

I'm really into music. I play violin, piano, trumpet, euphonium, organ, a little guitar, and i sing. I also love anime and manga, especially over the top action ones. I've been playing pokemon since i was around...5? Yeah. I got Pokemon Yellow for my 5th birthday, and it just kept hold on me. I hope i get to learn more about all of you too! It's great to be here!
Well met, K-NiGhT, and welcome to our lovely forums! I am the local Pikachu/Murkrow hybrid! You are quite the musician it appears! Would you like a friendship cookie? They're very delicious!

Over the top action... By any chance, have you ever watched "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann?"
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