• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



Keep ya head downn~
OK, I'm platinumlucario. I love to sprite, play the DS or GBASP, and fold origami in Reading class. No, I'm not japanese.
Hello. Blastoise is the name, greeting newbies is my entertaining pastime.

Or something like that, anyway.

Welcome to the CoD, where the cod is always soggy and the tea bland. Glad to see a new spriter, always a good thing.
Not reading in Reading Class...I like it.

Welcome to TCoD, where we drink tea and all those other generic introduction jokes.
Welcome....um....I forgot your name already. Sorry.

If you caN,

( HOLY CRAP, CAPS LOCK IS ON fixed now. )

could you mabye give me spriting lessons? I plan to make a video game someday thaT USES

( CAPS LOCK, NOOOOOOO fixed again. )

a combination of pixel art and anime. Do you like anime?

Oh, now I remember your name! Silverlucario was it?

I serve more than cod and tea. Members only.
Now, I only started spriting about last year. In that entire time I've only done splices, recolors, and very few pixel-overs.

I don't really know if I can help you with this. Can you PM me the details about this? I might be able to help in some way.
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