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In Progress Pokémon Ranger: Almia's Untold Story


Among the few morons with straight A's.
Pokémon Ranger: Almia's Untold Story

When I first joined and introduced myself, I said I hoped to be an author, but I haven't posted any samples of my works yet. So here's my first fan fiction, a result of getting Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia for Christmas. (Note: spoilers will be revealed, although it's not along the real plot.)

Part 1: Ranger Academy

Chapter 1
"Aekah!" Ms. April snapped. Aekah woke up from her daydream and looked at her teacher nervously. "That's the fourth time I've had to wake you up today, and the second day in a row." Aekah sighed sadly as Ms. April continued. In a few hours, a Ranger would come for the outdoor class. Then there would only be a month until graduation, and she'd be a Pokémon Ranger.

"Ms. April, I have a question," Sanau said, causing everyone to groan. Usually his questions required complicated answers, such as: "How does a Ranger's styler receive Voicemail?" Ms. April began her long answer, drawing diagrams on the blackboard as visual aids. She'd talk for a long time and ignore almost everything but the bell... which rang two minutes into her explanation.

"I guess it's time for the Outdoor Class," she said, but upon turning around the entire class was gone. "They're pretty eager to learn."

"Sanau, you're a genius!" Rikki exclaimed as they high-fived. "You saved us from learning math!" Aekah felt embarrassed as she watched their "secret handshake", and edged closer to Masuni, an aspiring mechanic. Their class was a unique group of dreamers. Sanau wanted to be a Top Rangers. Rikki came from a family of mechanics, and he planned to follow in their footsteps. Masuni hoped to become Hasting's assistant. Aekah wanted to become the first ranger in her family, which would be a challenge. Kumori was determined to become an operator for the Top Rangers, which was more difficult than it sounded. Gosyr wanted to be an operator too, but only because he was too fragile to be a ranger or mechanic. Lunesa was a beautiful girl who was going to become a professor, although she wanted to be a ranger originally.

"Students, your teacher is here," Principal Lamonte announced, and they all turned to look at their principal and a cowboy. "Introducing one of the greatest rangers of our time, Legendary Top Ranger Sven!"

"Nice introduction," Sven muttered, and addressed the class. "Anyways, like he said, I'm a Top Ranger. I just finished a mission, and since local area rangers are busy, I was assigned the task of being your teachers. Anyone have questions?" Gosyr shot his hand up, looking at the Luxray cuddling him. "Luxray, can you move so he can ask his question in peace?" Luxray ran next to Sven, but Gosyr lowered his hand. "Oh, sorry." Masuni and Rikki raised their hands.

"What kind of mechanics do you work with?" they asked simultaneously.

"A lot," he laughed. "Usually I work with ones that fix some broken tools I use, or update my styler." Masuni nodded, satisfied. Sanau shot up his hand, causing groans until Ms. April glared at them. "You'll have your turns later," he said, unaware of Sanau's reputation. "What's your question?"

"What are the biggest missions you've done?" Sanau asked, causing Sven to pause.

"That's a tough one," he replied thoughtfully. "Maybe exploring the ocean, or fighting Team Go-Rock in Fiore that one time." Smiling, he began to reminisce to the class, but it was one of the few times no one complained about Sanau's questions. But as Sven went on and on, no one noticed a dark presence growing...
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Re: Pokémon Ranger: Almia's Untold Story

Sounds good, i actually just finished that game and have now gone quest crazy.
You might want to do that quest for principal Lamont if you haven't already, it could help, with some history.
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