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Pondering the world-Star's Oneshot collection

Meowth-Star DP

New member
Yes.I have decided to bring my not-exactly-top-quality writing here.You poor things.

1-Pondering His Life

"Rayne the Absol sighed. His pelt and muzzle were coated with his own blood, and the blood of his mother, Nightblade. She had been with him only hours ago,then a trainer came by. He decided he would catch an Absol, and didn't care how he got it. Unfortunatly for Rayne, he got his Absol, tearing apart a family in the proccess.
There was a sudden,quick pulse in his now-cracked blade.
"Master Articuno was defeated? Oh my, Mount Freeze is in big trouble now!" He cried out, darting out from under the large, frosty tree he had been resting under.
To his shock, the ones that had defeated his master, the almighty Articuno, were nothing but mere children. He then switched his gaze to his master and gasped. Articuno was charging all of his power into the most powerful attack he could muster. He was going to kill those kids!
The Pikachu, clearly female from the shape of her tail, darted back, screaming. Rayne couldn't take it anymore after hearing that scream. He darted forwards, rushed himself into a pile of snow, then leapt out.
"STOP! Master, please. I beg of you,don't hurt them," He began, panting heavily, "they're only kids!"
Articuno glared down at him,her eyes glinting like rubies in the light. Rayne and Nightblade had been loyal to her since they had came to the forest, so why was Rayne doing this?
"Master, please. Don't hurt them. If I must, I will go with them. Just please, let them live." Rayne begged, staring at his master with pleading eyes, the exact color of the blood on his pelt.
"Fine." Articuno said, the first word she had said since the trainer and his Gardevoir passed, yet only the Gardevoir left. She beat her wings, and tossed her head in the directionof the exit.
"Right. Let's go. My name is Rayne, by the way." Were his only words as he led them out of the forest. The two children followed without a single word.
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