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Sojaveña Wilds Rail Bridge Over the Silver

[Ch03] ~ Finale ~ A Pyre For Engines
  • The Escarpa were already there, some patrolling the skies above while others worked on deploying their dungeon-sourced explosives to the struts all along one side of the bridge truss. Blast seed powder, packed tightly into wax moulds, strung with thin cords and laced together by some kind of sinuous fuses. It seemed the clan could manufacture a form of dynamite, after a fashion. They had no industrialised production – they must have been working on this for an awfully long time. Presumably the rail had at least some form of elemental proofing to prevent its easy destruction by the warriors' own powers – this, then, was their means of circumventing that.

    It looked like they were about halfway done, but even a few blasting charges going off would be enough to damage the bridge severely. One could easily imagine it crashing under the weight of an incognizant driver's train, in spectacular fashion.

    The work continued. It wouldn't be long now.
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