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Novelux Realgar Springs

Jackie Cat

A cat who writes stories.
Heartache staff
they or she
Every civilisation has those that thrive, and those that struggle on its margins. Sometimes the split is unavoidably visible, the two divided by a wall – whether figurative, or literal. Yet hope persists that one can climb out... or that one can take for themself what has been denied them.

Every part of Novelux had a distinct smell – it was unavoidable in an industrialised city. In many districts, the scents in the air were largely of smoke and oil, or of sea salt and fresh fish, or of greasy street food and crowds of pokémon in close proximity. As one entered the lower half of Realgar Springs, their nostrils would be assaulted first by acrid industrial chemicals, and then by sulphurous odours beneath it. Ask around, and one would soon learn the cause – not rotten eggs, but hydrogen sulfide gas from the hot springs and thermal vents, rich in bloody realgar. Beneath the sulphur, the garlic-like smell of arsenic sulfide powder – realgar, the 'ruby of arsenic' – the crystalline mineral which workers here mined and processed and sold to make a living.

Yet, the Springs was known as a district of wealth and taste. The best of its residences were coveted – a ruby raised high in the city skyline. Its upper district was impossible to miss, with the smooth brick road arranged into fine mosaics of bathing pokémon, surrounded by luxurious high rises of rust red brick and wrought iron staircases that coiled up their sides like jewellery. Polished and maintained to keep out the ruddy stains left by the realgar over time, as stray winds blew trace refinery fumes their way, one could easily forget the toxicity of the district's namesake. Realgar crystals were sold here as jewellery, precious for their rarity and fragility, and orange-gold wines dosed with realgar powder were uniquely popular in the fine dining venues of the upper Springs. No doubt such fine apartments were accessible only to the most privileged, with the hotsprings only a quick walk away, and the streets far above the heavy gases of industry.

It was an ideal image of the springs and Novelux at large, making it easy to ignore the fact that the path through the district continued. Following it, towards the outskirts of Novelux, would reveal more modest buildings housing boutiques that sold topical medicines, crimson-dyed prints, inks, and calico fabrics, and crackling star fireworks – all products of the 'ruby sulphur'. Further down, the fine brickwork shifted into more hackneyed constructions and corrugated rooves, tinged with rust. Still further, the powder workshops and manufacturing plants, producing lead shot, pesticides, and red explosives. Furthest of all, deep red stains crept up the walls and smothered the edges of the path – here were the mines and refinery vats that brought up the red mineral from the earth.

Most of the 'mon in the lower Springs were process 'mon – chemical workers of every stripe. It was not joyful work, but for many, this place represented opportunity all the same. Either through hard work... or through the hard work of others.

Many thanks to @Inkedust for her help in writing this up.
Ch06: A Tourist's Kidnapping of Supplies
On a cloudy morning, word had spread quickly of another break in on the industrial side of Realgar Springs. Workers complained about the bevy of tools and supplies taken to a concerning lack of local lawmon that had come to investigate the scene of the crime. They spoke to a hawlucha who kept her arms folded with a bored frown, a greying furfrou busy snuffling and sneezing out ruddy powder, staining his fur, and a vigoroth the Wayfarers quickly recognised as Jaak. Notably, the hawlucha was wearing any kind of badge identifying her as law enforcement.

"No doubt the work of Team Miror," said the furfrou in a hazy voice. "Quite notorious these days, aren't they?"

"Then it's beyond our scope," Hawlucha replied flatly. "Best wait for what's-her-name – the chestnaught – to come in and clear up this mess. Best not disturb the springs with all this noise either, you'll scare off the tourists."

Jaak harrumphed. "What of the supplies then? This stuff was meant to ship out to Magna City tomorrow, you know."

Furfrou brushed back his fur with both forepaws. "Yes, very pressing but I feel inclined to mention the recent kidnapping of that Tyrrian fellow who was staying in and subsequently taken from this very district. I believe that is a greater concern than supplies and tourists, wouldn't you say?"

"Nothing but testimony points to it being a kidnapping," Hawlucha countered. "It's just as likely he got lost and hasn't found his way back or nobody saw him around lately since he never goes out during the day."

"Oh here we go again," Jaak muttered beneath his breath. His reaction made it clear that this idle bickering would continue if they were not interrupted by someone else. Thankfully, his eyes widened with joy and relief the moment he caught the sight of the Wayfarers in the corner of his eye.
Mhynt had briefly come to Novelux to give Gerome some moral support, only to find that the one who actually needed the support was Mhynt herself. The sciences and strange buildings unnerved her, especially when Lucis was the one supposedly leading the front of their expedition.

So instead, she took the time to take in the sights and tour around the town... and happened upon tell of the kidnappings. Well, it wasn't like she was doing anything else for now, while Owen was recovering and Alexander was certainly seething. Why not check some oddities around town and get word of the Wayfarers out?

When she heard the name Miror, however, it became much less than a whim.

"Excuse me," the Grovyle said, stepping forward. "Did you say Miror? A very... fluffy-headed aquatic avian of a Pokemon? About this tall--" she conjured a Leaf Blade for extra height, "and this tall" -- even larger -- "with the hair?"
He’d smelled the Springs district before he found it. Once one had gotten past the glitz and the glamour of the wealthy areas of the city, what they found was, at least to Archie’s knowledge, the city’s beating red heart. That that heart was, in a word, poison, seemed almost symbolic. Arsenic, the city’s residents worked with it daily, they breathed it in constantly. Apparently, the rich even drank it. Were it not for the fact that this body was a temporary construction, the Dewott would’ve been hesitant to come here.

As it stood, he was following along the rumor mill suggesting this was the site of the latest appearance of Team Miror. A two part crime, robbery and kidnapping – the Cipher gang were getting bolder, if they where striking into the city like this rather than just knocking over isolated caravans. Kidnapping was new for them too, to the best of Archie’s knowledge, though not for Cipher as a whole. If Pokemon were disappearing again, did that mean more Shadow Pokemon were being created? If that was the case, it made putting an end to their little crime spree all the more urgent.

So that made the conversation he was overhearing very interesting to the Dewott. He approached the little group, and tipped his hat in greeting. It seemed Mhynt had beaten him to the scene, as well.

“Excuse me, I couldn’t help but overhear. I’m actually a Bounty Hunter from out west, on the trail of Team Miror,” he explained. The Dewott fished out the poster he’d brought with him from Frontier Town to show the assembled Pokemon, figuring that might be a little more helpful than the Grovyle's description - then again, Miror B. certainly cut a unique figure. Then he turned to the Furfrou in particular, “I heard they’ve been roving the city stealing Dungeon items, but this is the first I’ve heard of any kidnappings. Do you think they’re related?”

Then he looked around the group, focusing on the Hawlucha with a slight frown. This was the only one of the three with any sort of law enforcement identification on them. And judging by their expression, they were seemingly wishing they were anywhere else right now. Somehow, the Dewott got the feeling Novelux wasn’t sending their best and brightest to this particular part of the city. “Are you the officer in charge of this investigation?”
Gladion perked up when he saw Jaak. At this point he no longer really suspected the guy might be involved with the Coven, so at this point Gladion just thought of him as a guy who'd done them a solid on crash-landing. Gladion shot him a smile.

"Hey, I know you!" He wasn't sure for a moment if Jaak would recognize him without the helmet... but it's not like there were many look-alike species. "It's been a minute, huh? If 'Team' Miror's giving you trouble, we're trying to find them anyways, and I still owe you one. Need someone looking into something they did?"
"Well met!" Jaak called but before he could say anything more, Furfrou turned towards the Wayfarers to cut any pleasantries short.

"Absolutely! He was the fellow who got them on those wanted posters after all," Furfrou exclaimed in reply to Archie at the behest of an irritated Hawlucha. Before she could interrupt, Furfrou nodded at Mhynt's question. "Why yes, of course," he answered. "With how tasteless his hair is and all those wanted posters, he's impossible to miss." He looked around, allowing the Wayfarers to see that he had styled his own fur into a ridiculous-looking pompadour. "Now if I can just find one— ah! It seems that this good fellow has already," he said once he saw Archie's poster.

Hawlucha cleared her voice and shook her head. "Yeah, yeah, if it were that simple these guys would have been yesterday's news a week ago but these guys are something else. Unless you want to take a beating, I wouldn't go after these guys. Stick to criminals in your own weight-class and yeah, I'm stationed here so anything that happens in Realgar Springs gets run by me." She glanced at Jaak and the furfrou. "And currently, the only officer here. But if it's those guys, there isn't much to be done about it so not much investigating to be done."

Jaak shrugged. "I dunno about that, officer. They may not look the part but the Wayfarers here have done some pretty amazing stuff already." He crossed his arms and puffed out his chest, looking proud of the ragtag group. "I wouldn't put it past them to get it done." He looked back at the Wayfarers. "They've been menacing the area for some time now, gathering supplies like you said. No telling what they're going to do next but I don't like the smell of it."

Hawlucha massaged her temples before letting out a weary sigh. "Well can't say I didn't warn ya. It's not going to be my hospital bed."
Hm. If this Hawlucha was meant to be on top of the case, they might be stepping on his ego by interfering. Maybe Gladion could do something to assuage that problem.

"Don't want to step on your toes, if it's your jurisdiction. But we dealt with one head of his organization already, which is probably a factor in what led him to go off and do his own thing. Hardly seems fair to make you clean that mess up, so if you're alright with it, we could work with you to take him on. Wouldn't fancy his odds of success if you can point us in his direction."

It felt disconcerting to him, how much easier it was to speak to try to get what he wanted out of someone than it was to talk honestly to friends. Made him feel like a member of his bloodline. But time and time again it proved easy to try things like this, while he fumbled his way through anything earnest.
Unless you want to take a beating, I wouldn't go after these guys.

"Some of us have recently defeated a demon within Twilight Quarry that threw black lightning as a warning and building-sized meteors when he was serious," Mhynt responded. "I think this ordeal isn't necessarily out of our scope. We've clashed with them in the past already." She crossed her arms. "I imagine, if you're describing them in this way, you'd appreciate the backup."
Well, so much for keeping a low profile. The Vigoroth was apparently familiar with some of their group already, and neither Gladion nor Mhynt apparently saw much need to keep anything close to their chests. Well, alright, he could roll with this too.

“Like the others said, we’ve been fighting Miror B. and his associates for a while now. I’ve survived one encounter with the bird already,” the Dewott nodded. Of course, he spent most of that fight and the following flight sick to his stomach and nearly unconscious, but the trio of assembled locals didn’t need to know that.

“Let’s start off with the missing ‘mon,” Archie said, turning to the Furfrou again, “What can you tell us about them? Name, species, any habits? Friends or enemies?”
"Hmm. Buncha performers then," Hawlucha said, folding her arms, not looking particularly convinced at any of the claims. Still, Jaak's good word seemed to give the avian some pause. Enough to turn to Furfrou to ask, "And what do you say?"

Furfrou responded with a thoughtful hum. "Well, they're rather impressive claims yes, but we may as well let them if they want to help. They seem well aware of the risks. And it's not as if there is much of that going around with these ruffians," he added with a mutter.

"Maybe things would go smoother if busybodies like you would stop interfering with investigations," Hawlucha grumbled. Then, with a resigned huff, she looked at Archie and tapped a foot. "Silver furred ninetales, impossible to miss. Came all the way down from Tyrrier for a few things – probably a tourist – but didn't catch his name and I think he came down here alone." She then shrugged. "Not sure about his habits, as I said, he never goes out during the day so your best bet at seeing him was at dawn or dusk. He was last seen a few days ago heading out for an evening walk around the springs—"

"Which was when he was undoubtedly kidnapped!" Furfrou interrupted. "Those goons!"

Hawlucha looked like she was a hair away from socking the canine in the face.

"Sounds good to me, eh?" Jaak then said, trying to ease the tension. He patted Furfrou on the back. "Hard to say where they ran off exactly but Clive here has a good nose on him so once he picks up a scent, it shouldn't be too hard finding them. We're just having problems with..."

Clive sneezed out more red powder.

"Yeah... that," finished Jaak.
Gladion tilted his head. He was both curious and confused, but his face was hard to read.

“Yeah… That… Um. Am I supposed to know what that is?”
"...Could it be the pigments used for that bird's absurd hairstyle?" Mhynt theorized. Honestly, she wouldn't doubt it...
It was the Hawlucha who answered his question, rather than the Furfrou, though, given the canine apparently had nothing to add to the avian Pokemon’s description, Archie would have to assume that that was as clear a picture of their missing Pokemon as he would get. They were right that a Shiny Ninetales would certainly stand out, color morphs of that sort seemed to be rare regardless of the world.

The Dewott frowned. The Furfrou – Clive? – apparently had a good nose, but it seemed he was suffering from some amount of congestion. Though, he couldn’t help but shoot his Wayfarer companions a quizzical look at their guesses.

“I take it our canine friend’s had a bad run in with powdered Realgar?” He asked, noting the red coloration of the Furfrou’s sneezes and fur stains. Arceus, they were all breathing in arsenic day in and day out down here, weren’t they?
"Yeah, the realgar," Jaak answered. "Damn stuff was spread everywhere once they blew this place open. Bet it's why they like to slink around here. Sure, it makes a mess but it makes it nearly impossible to sniff you out and it's a free, convenient smokescreen."

"The upper class 'mon also do not like commotions, particularly in the 'good' part of town," coughed Clive. "So if they choose to hide there, there is not much that will be done if they are discovered." He pawed at his nose, clearly irritated by the red powder. "But I have also kept a keen listening ear on a few rumours. Of note is that this was going to be one of their last raids before pushing further east, although they may have experienced delays to hide. From what? I am not so sure. Maybe they're waiting."

"Waiting for who?" asked Hawlucha.

"Who knows?" Clive sneezed again and shook himself out, spreading more clouds of powdered realgar. "Now if there was only a way to clear out this powder without washing out their trail..."
"Hmm..." Mhynt closed her eyes, thinking. "It seems like much of this powder is fine and loose. With the proper gusts of wind, you can probably preserve the heavier scents while removing most of the powder. You'll need a good air controller, though."

With a pang, she glanced away. A certain Charizard would've been able to, she thought.

"...Do we have anyone like that?" she asked, pushing the idea aside.
Gladion didn’t really know all the wayfarers well enough to be sure. “I’m not completely sure, honestly. I could go flying-type and use a Tailwind… But I’m not exactly experienced with it, so I’m not sure it’s worth it.”

He glanced at the Hawlucha. “I suppose you’d have already gone for it if you could solve the problem like that yourself?”
Archie frowned. The realgar did pose a practical problem, any attempts to blow or wash it away would likely take the scent with it. He could try to freeze it, but that didn’t exactly seem like it would work well either. What to do?

The news that the group was possibly delaying a trek further eastwards was also of some interest to the Dewott. What could they possibly be hiding from? There likely weren’t all that many Pokemon around who could stand up to Team Miror – the Wayfarers themselves had had enough trouble just escaping during their last attempt.

“They were – maybe still are? – part of a larger organization that’s been giving us some trouble back west,” Archie said, “I wonder if they’re possibly waiting for some of their old allies, for one reason or another?”

He shook his head, “I don’t think there’s much I can do about getting rid of this powder, unfortunately.”
Clive tilted his head at Archie. "Well it is possible, the activities of Team Miror, I mean. That should act as more incentive to bring those charlatans to justice!" He sneezed again. "Just try anything to remove this powder. Couldn't hurt more than keeping it all in place."

Hawlucha crossed her arms. "Would be tampering with a crime scene," she said, although there was some indication that there was some truth to Gladion's words. "Then again, it's not like what we have tells us much to begin with."

Jaak on the other hand seemed to be sold on Mhynt's suggestion. "Well, it would be worth a shot. Try it, won't ya?" he then said to Gladion. "Might be able to convince this bag of feathers to help out."
Hm. Tampering with a crime scene? That was… probably bad. But it’s not like he had much of a choice. (Well. He did. He could walk away right now and let them get away with everything. But he wouldn’t.) “Luckily, with my normal, indistinct appearance nobody will have to know who dealt with the realgar.” Nothing in his voice suggested he was kidding, but given the way he actually looked one could infer he wasn’t serious. “Then the scene’ll be possible to investigate.”

Even if Tailwind was usable without being a Flying type, it still felt like a good idea to become one. Attacks were easier to control when they matched their user’s types, maybe that’d apply here. He just had to figure out what kind of memory or emotion or whatever triggered it. But that was a problem for Future Gladion.

He glanced back at the Hawlucha. “I’m not actually gonna go over everyone’s head though.”
Mhynt nodded. "Do your best," she said. "A tampered crime scene that we know what happened is better than a scene we can't investigate at all."
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