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local hellion
I finally got my high-school roster! Yay!

Let's see...

Homeroom is the Geometry teacher. Julie had the same one because it's alphabetical. Okay.

1st period on Mondays and Fridays is Music Major. Why FIRST THING IN THE MORNING, though? On Tuesday and Wednesday is Gym. Joy. Thursday is Health. More joy.

Second period is Algebra. Should be okay.

Third is Theology. Interesting...

Fourth is Lunch. Same as my sis.

Fifth is English. ^^

Sixth is Biology. We get to dissect frogs and almost pass out. Yay.

Seventh is World Civ with the awesome teacher. Yayz.

And Eighth is Latin. ^^

All in all, an enjoyable schedule. ^^
Aw, sweet, you're taking Latin. :D *highfive* took it for two years, I did, and I wish I could take more... but I have so many other things I need to take this year that I'd have like no offtime if I fit it on my schedule. :[

Also Biology, yesss! Dissecting the frog really wasn't that bad imo (and oddly enough this is coming from someone who loves frogs). We kind of spent so much time on the more boring stuff that when we finally got to animals and plants it was the end of the year.

My school doesn't offer Theology. D:

Sounds like a good schedule, though. High school can be a bit hard to get used to at first, but in a week or two everything that's new and different about it will just be second nature. Good luck and stuff! :]
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