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Magna City Shining Congress – Main Lobby

[Ch08] ~ The Shining Congress
  • Jackie Cat

    A cat who writes stories.
    Heartache staff
    they or she
    A civilised world is not only ordinary society and its comings and goings. Civilisation must have its bright spires and halls of power, its works of art and genius, its gleaming aspirations to greatness and enlightenment. What a wonder, to see educated and civic-minded individuals coming together, not to feud and vie with one another, but to put the resources afforded them towards the common good of the world!

    With a flash, Articuno brought the Wayfarers another thousand miles and two time zones east, arriving with a brisk drop in ambient temperature in an enormous foyer of sorts. The Saint's signature frost soon melted away in the temperate Alexandrian air of the east coast. In three directions were wide and tall archways to what looked like a buffet, a lounge, and an indoor pavilion.

    The bright reception halls of the Shining Congress were a shock to the eyes for any accustomed to Frontier Town's drabs or to Novelux's pale and austere grandeur. Here was rich red carpeting, marble columns in the style of the Arcadellen Renewal, electric lighting, framed paintings and artifacts, dapper valets serving platters of appetisers and sparkling wine, air conditioning, indoor fountains, a live band – all attended by adherents of the Covenant, each with their silver lantern lapel pins.

    Bright-eyed youths gave each other earnest accounts of their ongoing work, which may or may not have been an inexpert form of flirting – whoever's accomplishments in technology or charity or societal philosophy being the greatest therefore having the most appeal. Wizened luminaries conversed in the manner of statesmen, speaking of regional capitals, fellow senators, and the looming retirement of the last knights of the founding. Several of the Teardrop Station staff were here too, though keeping with each other more than mingling, and clearly a little over-awed themselves by this – the gleaming heart of the Covenant.

    And also here, of course, were the Wayfarers, who immediately earned themselves glances from many in the area. There couldn't be more than a few hundred real members, discounting staff. It would be no surprise if regulars at the Congress recognised most Covenant by sight.

    "Please do enjoy yourselves," said Articuno, mildly. "The catering is complementary – just be sure that you're gracious about it."
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