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(Sign-ups) MLP: Reign of Darkness


Where have I been at?
Behold, its the new and improved MLP roleplay: Reign of Darkness. Now 20% cooler.

It has been 50 years since the adventures of the main six. The reign of Celestria and Luna have brought joy and happiness to the ponies of Equastria. However, that reign is soon going to end.

A new evil, Lord Nightmane, has risen up against the princesses. Caught offguard, the two princesses were soon overwhelmed by the master of dark magic and fled the kingdom. Nightmane then took over and plunged Equastria into a reign of terror and chaos.

In an effort to stop Nightmane, the grandchildren of the original six were sent on the quest weilding the elements of harmony. When they fail to return, ponies began to be slaughtered and killed until they were all destroyed and Ponyville becomes a ghost town.

In this reign of darkness, a new hope soon emerges. Six new ponies have uncovered gems that have given them power over one of the elements of nature: Grass, Water, Fire, Electricity, Wind, and Aura. Together, the six stand a chance against Nightmane, but only if they work together.

You are one of the six. Can you forge the freindship between the others and use your power to bring back the peace in Equastria, or shall the reign of darkness consume the land for etenrity? The answer to that is solely in your hooves.

Character Form:

History (optional):
Other Details:

My Character:

Name: Jacen

Description: Jacen aims to become the fastest pony alive. His icon would be Rainbow Dash and attempts to be like she once was, only better. He is already quite fast.
History: N/A
Personality: very fun and competive. He loves a challenge. He can become serious in an instant and won't hesitate to protect his friends.
Just going to ask... Why doesn't Jacen have an element?

Name: Radburn

Note: Cutie mark is a book. Also can be seen wearing just a denim vest.
Element: Aura
Description: A studious follower of magic, legend, and the essence of what makes, or made, Equestria, Radburn follows in the steps of Twilight Sparkle's endless work. He wants to bring together those who would stand up with the power of friendship and, possibly, magic.
History (optional): N/A
Personality: Calm, patient, and serious, though headstrong, and can lose focus and become frustrated and panic-y when stressed. Loves trying new things and making friends, and very open-minded.
Other Details: N/A
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