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Sir Wafflington, at your service.

Sir Wafflington

New member
As you have seen, my name is Sir Wafflington-well, no it isn't, it's actually Max. But who cares?-it's a forum! I love Pokemon (Obviously, or I wouldn't be here), Sonic The Hedgehog, Katamari Damacy, Mother/Earthbound, Kid Chameleon, Ecco the Dolphin, Phantasy Star, Castlevania, Mega Man X, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 1984, A Clockwork Orange, The Academia Waltz, Salvador Dali, classic MAD, RAW and the like, Adventure Time, The Moomins, Studio Ghibli, and also Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted Animation Festival films.

I'm an artist who mainly focuses on the surreal, sometimes tapping into the dark, demented recesses of my mind-I consider myself a very twisted individual, particularly my sense of humor, but I wont mention them out of courtesy (plus i don't want a major offense on my first post...)

Going into Pokemon, as this is primarily a forum for it, I shall cover my opinions of every generation thus far in detail.

Gen I-While I don't consider myself a genwunner, I spend the most playtime on these for mainly two reasons- 1st, it's completely broken mechanics make for more unpredictable and therefore more fun battles. 2nd, GLITCHES GALORE!!!.

Gen II- Crystal was the first version I owned, so naturally, I'm partial to it, while the story was lacking, the vast world and opportunities to explore more than make up for it. Plus fighting Red is one of the most epic things in video games-SUCK ON THAT, SEPHIROTH!

Gen III- I didn't really spend much time in this generation, and it turned me off of Pokemon for awhile-I did like the antagonists, though.

Gen IV- Story felt epic but lacking in depth, characters not very likable, boring world... I LOVED the evolutions of existing Pokemon, though!

Gen V- Really turned things around. Pokemon contests actually enjoyable, more entertaining gyms, great characters, interesting Pokemon designs... But waaaaaay too easy.

I have Asperger's, so if I say something wrong, or hurt ANYONE'S feelings, I'm sorry and please please please let me know.

But yeah, welcome! Hope you have a good time.
A fellow HHGttG and 1984 fan, eh?

...Yes, I do believe we'll get along.

At the risk of sounding like a total dork, are the words below your username an intentional Fluttershy reference?
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