• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

So it's been nearly four years...apparently.


Words just don't like you...
Heyo. I doubt anyone will know who I am but apparently I signed up to this place quite some time ago. And, uh, kinda forgot about it. Sorry! ...Will this do as a return thread? Who knows.

Good afternoon to you all. Again.

Hi I'm the reincarnation of Meowth but it's been so long I doubt you even knew me as that. Uh, this guy? :D
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OH MY GEWD. *Tackles* It took a bit for the ol' memory to, ah, remember, but yooooouuuu ____! (Can't remember if I gave you a nickname or not...seriously it's been /that/ long!)

OH, and one other thing....What became of the Caf?!
You may well have, but if so time has scoured all trace of it from my memory as well!
And I have no idea what a Caf is!
?! Time is cruel...!

Ahhh. I meant the Café. Y'know. That big thread. That seems to die and come back a lot.

Regardless, it's nice to be back!
Ohh, the cafe of doom? The randum conversation thread thingy? Did anything happen to it? I've not noticed. :v Should probably still be hanging around in the Silliness (formerly Insanity) board afaik!
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