• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

So... uh... Yeah. Guess I joined. Hi.

Colton O'Weekly

Master of Reality
Hi, my name's Colton (O'Weekly a made-up name that just sounds cool after my first name) and I joined here I guess.

I'll keep this short and simple by saying I'm 15, I like Pokemon a bit, I'm a writer and a fan of science fiction. I also like the cartoon Ed, Edd, n Eddy, which recently ended with a movie called Ed, Edd, n Eddy's Big Picture Show (It was great).

I guess if you want to know more about me, you'll have to talk to me a bit more won't you?

But hi anyways. Glad to be here. Hope your glad I'm here too.
Hay there Colton, just call me Momo.

Uh, I seem to be saying the same stuff every time, but it's kind of true. If you saw the wrong shit here, people will bite.
OMIGOSH, The Ed, Edd, N Eddy movie aired already...shooot!

Well, hey, I'm Jax. I'm a fan of 90's cartoons and Phoenix Wright.
Hi guys! Thanks for the welcome. :)

Actually, the movie didn't air in the states, but aired in Australia and parts of Asia. I kinda gave in and went to YouTube. I am ashamed of myself for doing that, but it was great.

Ninety's cartoons you say? One of the best decades for them too. I'm quite into Looney Tunes more, but the ninety's still were great.

... People bite, Momo? I don't know if I wanna ask why or if I wanna go find a place to hide. :grin:

All the same, thanks for the welcome guys. I'll try to be active.
~straightens shirt~ uh...hai i'm mehwmew. My Mew is on vacation, but he usually sits on my left shoulder and hands me Tea and Cod for the new people *hands tea and cod* and Momo meant, that if you say the wrong thing to certain people they will get mad. (ex. Dont call people 'gay' as an insult because they might well be.) oh yea the Cod policy, dont eat it if you dont like it. I think edd? (the smarter one) would like it. :3 anyway, have fun and be good.
If you saw the wrong shit here, people will bite.

what? If you are being a moron people will bite.

Anyway, welcome to the forums. You may call me ultraviolet or UV if you prefer.
Hi, i'm Charizard Morph (you can sorten that however you want) keep in mind that i'm a female, or you may come up missing your head at some point.

Darn, i liked that cartoon. I guess i'll look it up on youtube.
I Like writing and reading. I'll pretty much read the first chapter of anything. Have fun, play nice, and i planted some fireworks somewhere around here, so when things explode, you know who to blame.
Hello; bonjour; ciao; Γεια σας; こんにちは; kumusta; hola; hallo; hei; 餵; hej; merhaba; xin chào; "derkenshnob"; ellohay; and "hello" in all other languages which I have yet to translate.

Hiya, I'm Skroy. Nice to meetcha.
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