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HG/SS Stall Team


They always fall for the eyes!
Never made a stall team before, so tell me how I did!


252 HP/4 Atk/252 Def
Stealth Rocks

Set up Stealth Rocks, and either switch, scout w/ protect, or Roar. Earthquake is for the STAB move.


Blissey @ Leftovers
Calm, Natural Cure
24 HP, 252 Def, 232 SpD
Stealth Rocks

For use later in battle when Hit Points are low and status effects are gathering. Aromatherapy over Toxic although it is still a choice on Umbreon. Wish when needed.


Umbreon @ Leftovers
Careful, Synchronize
252 HP, 92 SpD, 164 Spe
Mean Look
Baton Pass or Toxic

Trap and either pass or stay in for the chance to destroy with Toxic and Protect combo. One of three Wish passers to prolong team life.


Dusknoir @ Leftovers
Relaxed, Pressure
252 HP, 28 Att, 228 Def
Pain Split or Shadow Sneak
Thunder Punch

Come in on physical moves and either Pain Split if Hit Points are too low, or attempt Will-O-Wisp. Earthquake for things like Metagross and Thunder Punch for Flyers.


Metagross @ Leftovers
Impish, Clear Body
252 HP, 244 Def, 12 Spe
Meteor Mash
Light Screen
Explosion or Ice Punch

Meteor Mash is for main STAB attack, Earthquake for things that resist. Light Screen is for the 5 turns of plus SpD, which works for the team’s strategy. Explosion is more wanted, but Ice Punch is possible.


Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Bold, Water Absorb
188 HP, 252 Def, 68 Spe
Toxic or Ice Beam

Another Wish user. Toxic is there because I like it. Surf for STAB and possibly Ice Beam just for another hurting move.

Any replies appreciated!
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I haven't gone through it too closely yet, but I can already see a few flaws, or at least odd choices.

Firstly, why do you have two Stealth Rock users? I believe Swampert will do fine alone to set up rocks, but run Ice Beam or Avalanche (Or Waterfall for that matter) over either Roar or Protect, because otherwise Aerodactyl and Azelf leads screw you over.

Secondly, Wish AND Softboiled? I dont see the point of that. If you want Blissey to be a wish passer, its probably wiser to run Wish/Protect/Something/Something. You can simply Wish then Protect, and it would pretty much be the same as a Softboiled.

Also, three wish passers seem kinda pointless. But I can't see anything that would hurt team too badly yet, so I'll leave that.

Lastly, your team seems to lack one of the things that almost all stall teams utilize: Entry Hazards. Its nice to be able to stall, but if you aren't doing anything back, you will eventually be beaten. Stealth Rocks is nowhere near enough, mainly because everyone has Stealth Rocks. I'd recommend a Skarmory or a Forretress to lay down Spikes or Toxic Spikes, since they'll help a lot. Tentacruel makes a nice Toxic Spikes user as well. You already have 'noir as a Spinblocker, so theres no need to worry about Rapid Spin.

Ohh, I forgot to mention. Blissey is the only member of your team thats strongly geared towards Sp.Def, and shes set-up fodder, being unable to harm anything. Something like a Nasty Plot Ape could set up without fear, and it could take down Umbreon, and by extension, the rest of your team.

So yeah, quite a few flaws here and there. Quite a few members are going to need changing.
stall is not a collection of defensive pokemon. stall uses defensive synergy.

stealth rock the entry hazard for hyperoffensive teams. it is still useful to stall, but nowhere near as much as toxic spikes.

swampert is fairly solid. protect is a bit... unorthodox, but it should work fine.

blissey. blissey is just pointless. it cannot do anything at all. it's just set-up bait, and once your oppenent realizes this, they will exploit it. taunt instantly shuts this thing down. same for umbreon.

you can't stall by doing nothing and waiting for the opponent to get bored. stall needs to inflict and prevent damage at the same time. at least use toxic over softboiled and baton pass.

dusknoir wants fire punch. stall tends to dislike steels (poison immunity, ugh); you simply can't hit magnet rise magnezone effectively, which, though rarer now, is still a staple of 3 dragon/3 steel teams.

metagross and vaporeon are solid, though I always use iron head over meteor mash, losing only an average 5 BP and gaining much more reliability. unless you have something specific to NHKO with Meteor Mash, don't use it.
Thanks! Heh, didn't notice Blissey knew S.R. I just copy-pasted this off a file and I changed my lead, so i forgot to take that away. About Blissey, I might replace it, but I dont know what for i was honestly thinking Infernape, but i'm not sure. I originally had Tentacruel as a lead, which then became Forretress, which then became Swampert. I took out Tentacruel out because at the time, metagross was gyarados, which gave me a huge weakness to electric. I liked forretress, but my brother said he didnt like it, so i took it out. Also, Blissey isnt the only Spd geared member. Umbreon has 130 base SpD, and Vaporeon has a good 95, which gets pretty high w/ calm.

[EDIT] Jeez, i was typing a reply to the first guy when u replied! anyway, I really never liked blissey, i just had it there because it was the best Special wall to me. Anyway, about Toxic Spikes, i did have a tentacruel for that, but i took it out.
I probably will take out blissey but i dont know what for. by the way, iron head has 80 base power w/ 100% accuracy, but meteor mash has 100 base power w/ 85 accuracy, so ill stick w/ m.m.
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85 acc hurts. it gives the RNG an excuse to screw you over; with iron head, at least you know how if you can KO before the opponent gets another turn.

your losses, though, i guess.
Thanks! Heh, didn't notice Blissey knew S.R. I just copy-pasted this off a file and I changed my lead, so i forgot to take that away. About Blissey, I might replace it, but I dont know what for i was honestly thinking Infernape, but i'm not sure. I originally had Tentacruel as a lead, which then became Forretress, which then became Swampert. I took out Tentacruel out because at the time, metagross was gyarados, which gave me a huge weakness to electric. I liked forretress, but my brother said he didnt like it, so i took it out. Also, Blissey isnt the only Spd geared member. Umbreon has 130 base SpD, and Vaporeon has a good 95, which gets pretty high w/ calm.

Vaporeon and Umbreon may be able to take some special hits, but the point remains that NP Infernape will ravage this team, especially since most Nasty Plot Apes run CC (Which OHKOs Vaporeon after Stealth Rock). Also, like Blissey, Umbreon has no offensive move, and will get walled by Steel types, which makes it complete set up fodder for AgiliGross and SD Lucario. Also, without entry hazards, your team can't do much in return to the opponent. Toxic can only go so far, and although Metagross can attack, without the attack investments it wont be doing a while lot. Stall =/= Standing there like a wall. Even walls fall eventually.
with residual damage, you actually can just sit there like a wall. but even that dies to magic guard clefable. especially the ones with toxic orb or substitute.
Ok, then how i replace blissey with a Forretress that has spikes, stealth rocks, Toxic spikes (i thinks thats pushing it) and explosion, and metagross w/ infernape.
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