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Malantau Terminal One

[Ch07 Finale] ~ Low Zenith Orbit
  • Jackie Cat

    A cat who writes stories.
    Heartache staff
    they or she
    Even in the most precarious of places, ingenuity will find a way to perform inadvisable miracles.

    Within the distortion of Eremus Fault, floating away from the surface of the earth as matter ceased to behave as it should, was what remained of Cipher's presence on Forlas. Tethered by long cables to rocky spires, skeletal trees, and the ruined foundations of what may once have been a castle, was Terminal One. All cylinders and trusses, bristling with antennae, it was a wholly synthetic, gunmetal-grey and alabaster construction. The facility looked more like a space station in orbit, or some porcelain-white arachnid, at the centre of an incomplete web, than a building that belonged in this world. It swayed and strained in the waves of space-time distortion that emanated from the rift, as if cutting its tethers would see it flung into the singularity.

    Suspended from the entry port, a spindly elevator truss, and its exposed-top platform, invited the Wayfarers to ascend...

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